Chapter 39

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"Load everything in the van. We're leaving in exactly ten minutes, with or without or stuff or anyone lagging behind. The pack won't be far behind and I'd like to move out as soon as we can," Christopher was telling his men who immediately moved to follow orders. "We'll interrogate the kid when we get back to home base so until then, no one touches the cage. We don't need him escaping," Christopher said as he set the small kennel inside the van on top of a cardboard box, leaning down to peer inside at Mason who was curled up at the very back of the cage who flinched a little as they made eye contact. "I'd like it if you gave any information to me per my request of your own accord but I'm afraid I don't have the patience enough to wait too long. You have been evading me for almost a year now," Christopher said which would have sounded kind and calm to anyone else but the docile threats in the man's tone stabbed Mason through the heart who started to shake a little, trying not to cry.

"Aja- AH!" Mason thought, trying to connect to the pack link but a sharp pain seemed to strike him like a lightning bolt in his head, causing him to flinch with a yelp with tears pricking his eyes.

"You've been trying to contact your friends for a little while now, haven't you. Bet you anything that pain's only getting worse and worse the more you use it so I'd stop soon if I were you though I won't stop you," Christopher said with his business smile before he stood up straight and headed back to the house. "If you get hungry, let me know and I'll stop by the store for some dog food on our way back home," Christopher said with a wave over his shoulder and what suspiciously looked like a genuine smile on his face.

Mason could only watch as they brought more and more stuff out of the house, the van slowly filling up with hunter gear like weapons from sharp knives to small modified guns. They appeared almost done, Christopher ordering them to do a last sweep before their time limit was out before they would be on their way, and Mason couldn't do a thing. Mason was stuck inside the very small kennel in a small red collar with a red bow, like it wasn't degrading enough to be inside some kind of dog kennel as it was, and a strange black muzzle. Mason was pretty sure the muzzle had something to do with the sharp pains he was getting whenever he tried to talk to anyone through the pack link but he wasn't sure how... He wasn't sure if Henry hadn't gotten to the pack yet, or no one noticed his circumstance, but he hadn't heard from anyone at all. Again, maybe because of the muzzle or maybe it was the collar which Mason was growing to detest more and more. The button of the bow was scratching against the back of his neck a little bit and it was too cutesy for Mason who tried scratching at it with his back leg to no avail.

"Get it off!" Mason snapped suddenly, barking in annoyance at the last hunter to unload onto the truck before heading back inside, when Mason froze suddenly. Looking exactly thirty degrees to his right through the cage door was a small little girl roughly six to seven years old. Her hair was long and brown with a pair of light brown eyes that were staring directly in Mason's blue ones. She was peering around the van door at him, feeling slightly unnerved at her unblinking gaze, and the fact that she had just suddenly... appeared! "Who is that?" Mason thought to himself, trembling a little in shock as she stared at him. "She needs to get out of here before the hunter's do something to her- HEY!" Mason thought, hoping the girl would just run off, when a pair of small hands reached out and suddenly grabbed the cage. "Help! I'm getting kidnapped again!" Mason panicked, yelping as the cage shifted around causing Mason to slide around until he slammed into the wall as the cage was hugged against the girl's chest as she began to run away. "Should I be happy about this!?" Mason asked himself but as the cage moved about while the little girl ran, he smacked his head against the wall causing him to black out almost immediately. "Ow..."

"Amelia! Where did you get this dog?" a woman's voice snapped suddenly, startling Mason who woke up with a jolt and a splitting headache.

"The bad men had him in a scary van. He was crying, mama, so I saved him," a small voice said, the little girl coming into view on the opposite side of the cage door who was standing on her tiptoes trying to peer over a tall kitchen counter to her mother who appeared to be baking a cake at the moment. The woman looked like an older version of the little girl with a slight chubby body showing she recently had given birth. A baby crib to Mason's left confirmed that when he looked over hearing a low murmuring noise. "They were going to do something really evil to him. The bad men," the little girl said, her mother letting out a low sigh as she rubbed her forehead with the back of her hand getting white baking powder on her brow before looking down at her daughter.

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