Chapter 60

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"Two days until the party and you two are pigging out on pizza!" Stephanie freaked, pissed off, and continued to scream and yell at the boys; Mason and Henry were cowering where they sat at the dining room table nibbling on their pizza, Ajax and Jayden were talking quietly eating their pizza like there wasn't a screaming teen in the room getting pissed off the more they ate, Milly and Hannah were lightly snoozing on the couch after finishing two whole pizzas between them in record time, lastly Nicholas and Hunter were watching Stephanie while unapologetically eating pizza right in front of her getting the front row show of Stephanie ranting. She's been going on for a solid ten minutes and didn't seem to be ready to stop anytime soon. "What if you gain weight and can't fit into your suits? You'll look ridiculous if you try to squeeze into them with your large guts hanging out over your leather belts. It'll be embarrassing if your buttons pop off and the minute that happens, you are disowned Hunter and I won't be able to forgive you for a month Nicholas," Stephanie growled, pissed off, before her gaze slowly carted over toward Mason and Henry who were avoiding all eye contact. "Don't think I don't see you two over there!"

"Stephanie, my beautiful baby girl, it'll be fine. They wouldn't gain weight that fast anyway-" Hannah started to say looking over her shoulder tiredly when Stephanie's glare laser focused on Henry. "Even then, eating some pizza isn't going to change their figure that quickly and even if it does remember that we're putting together the gladiator matches tomorrow afternoon so they can work it off then. Problem solved!" Hannah said which gained both Mason and Henry's rapt attention to all four alpha's amusement who'd foreseen their excitement a mile away. Stephanie rolled her eyes, annoyed, and marched out of the house slamming the door behind her in a huff leaving everyone else to watch the boys curiosity who were brimming with interest.

"Gladiator matches? Like in Rome?" Henry questioned, Mason mumbling about a book he'd read in Maine once about Crixus.

"Who's participating in these matches because I, for one, do not like the idea of fighting a lion again," Mason grumbled in annoyance, frowning, when everyone turned to stare at him with curiosity and alarm. "I accidentally snuck into a zoo and disturbed a female lion during her slumber. It was one of the very rare times I shifted while out wandering the world and barely managed to escape her claws. She was a lot nicer when she finally calmed down and I think she tried to adopt me along with her cubs," Mason said like it was no big deal while Henry gawked at him and everyone else looking at one another either confused like they were wondering if it was the truth or amused imagining the visual of the situation.

"M-moving on," Milly giggled, sharing a look with Hannah who whimpered as she suddenly imagined her young cub at the mercy of a lion catching Jayden's attention who got up to comfort her while Ajax moved to clear their plates off the coffee table. "The gladiator matches we are talking about is a sort of tradition most allied packs participate in either just between visiting packs or, sometimes, many packs come together and battle to see who's the strongest. Tomorrow, to commemorate our two packs meeting together after so long, we will be holding said matches deep in the woods away from the humans where anyone in our packs, fifteen and above, can compete for fun and can even try to face off against our alphas both the young and the current. It'll be fun to see the young one's battle them out," Milly explained to the boys who had two different views on the subject.

Henry looked completely thrilled and excited like a kid at Christmas. He couldn't believe this was real life and he already had a million questions on hand as he hopped up out of his chair and hurried to her side. "Do you have your own arena area or do you find a large clearing in the woods? Do they fight as humans or wolves? Can I watch!? Oh~ Please tell me I can watch? I can't miss this! Let me watch. Please, please, please, please!" Henry begged, clinging to her hand with a big bright smile trying to win her over when a hand reached down and griped his wrists pulling them away from Milly with Ajax looming over the blonde with a too thin smile on his face.

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