Chapter 38

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"Are you alright?" Christopher Vale asked, his business smile on his face as he gazed down at the young blonde and moved to grab Henry's hand which curved out his like a lady's. "You're not hurt are you?"

"When did he get here?" Mason thought, starting to tremble all over and he started going over all of his options. "Should I shift and make a run for it, dragging Henry with me? Should I try to act like a dog? He's never seen my... No, he has seen my wolf. He knows!" Mason thought to himself before looking up at Henry, hoping he could somehow alert Henry to the danger they were in, when he... "Is he blushing?" Mason asked himself, cocking his head to the side as saw the bright colored blush on Henry's face as he stared back at Christopher and let out a giddy laugh suddenly causing his chest to shake under Mason who flopped forward with a surprised yelp.

"Um, I'm fine! Thank you for your looks- I mean concern! Wow, that was weird. I don't normally make mistakes like that. Are you fine? I'm fine. Am I talking a lot? Sorry, I don't talk a lot. I'm sorry... You need something? I don't want to assume you need something but..." Henry stammered and hiccupped once, laughing hysterically to himself and curled up as close as he could in on himself. "Hi~" Henry swooned, smiling up at Christopher who chuckled to himself.

"Hi there," Christopher greeted and brought Henry's hand up to his lips, giving his hand a kiss like in the movies.

Mason swore he could see smoke come out of Henry's ears as he gawked up at the attractive pay man, his blush spreading all over his face over his ears and down his neck, before curling up even more pressing Mason into his chest with his knees who let out a wheezing gasp as he was squeezed.

"You're crushing me!" Mason cried out with a barking yelp, squirming around until Henry finally loosened his hold with an apology. "Are you seriously falling for the guy whose trying to kill me!?" Mason cried out in exasperation and grabbed the front of Henry's shirt with his teeth. "We need to run!" Mason thought and started throwing his head around, pulling Henry's shirt this way and that trying to get his attention but Christopher had stood up and pulled Henry with him who seemed mesmerized by the pale man even though his dark black eyes were scaring the crap out of Mason.

"Do you mind if I talk with you for a little bit? I appear to be lost and I haven't had any luck trying to find a friend of mine," Christopher asked who was still holding Henry's hand who was still blushing beet red but was forcing himself to calm down even though his heart was hammering in his chest a mile a minute. Mason could hear it who brought hit head back and tried to headbutt Henry but it was hard since his one free hand was pressing the little wolf tightly against his chest so he couldn't fall.

"Henry~" Mason called though he knew the boy couldn't hear him. "What am I supposed to do?" Mason wondered and instead looked around him looking for Christopher's other hunters but he couldn't smell them anywhere or hear much of anyone in the area.

A perfect spot not to be spotted by anyone...

"Who are you looking for? I can't promise I know who they are or where they are but I might be able to help you a little bit," Henry said, smiling a little too brightly and was clearly trying to keep his cool but he clearly found this man attractive.

"Well, they are rather small," Christopher started with a shrug, reaching into his back pocket. "I've been looking for them for a long time and they've been running from me for a long time," Christopher said and held out a needle with a bright orange liquid inside which alarmed Henry who looked up in shock, going to back away but Christopher still had a firm grip on his hand. "And now I've found him. Sorry about dragging you into this but it's your own fault for who you associated yourself with," Christopher said with a smirk and suddenly yanked Henry forward who let out a gasp, Christopher forcing the boy to twirl around with Henry's back to the pale man's chest before sticking the needle into his neck.

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