Chapter 78

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When you're just trying to go to school and have a normal day but a large bird (a turkey to be specific) scares the crap out of you! Your author, ladies and gentleman (and other), went to her college campus and was innocently walking to her class, no big deal, when this giant turkey, as round as a beach ball, popped out from behind a bush and started aggressively flapping its wings at me! It was very traumatic (aka I freaked out with a not so grown up like scream in front of twenty or so other college students on their way to their lectures and ran to my classroom slightly embarrassed but mostly terrified) Before some of you judge me, or some experts who raise birds of any kind, start telling me that birds aren't that scary and there was nothing to worry about but it was more than half my height and might I point out their feet are literally sharp talons and their beaks too. (Hides under blanket planning the demise of the beach ball turkey)

Anywho, let's get to what you all are really here for: the story! Just a little rant for the day and sorry I haven't posted anything for a while but here we go~

"You didn't," Mason said, blushing beet red just hearing how Henry's night went who was doing a happy dance in the middle of his room.

Both alpha's, their luna's, and their children had all gathered together and left a couple of minutes ago leaving the boys alone in the pack house, much to Hunter's distress and Nicholas's irritation, giving Henry the chance to tell Mason all the details about last nights events for him and Hunter which had gotten rather... steamy.

"I did. We did! We were just talking downstairs and next thing I knew, he was whisking me upstairs and we... he... Oh my god, I love the werewolf world!" Henry said and practically squealed, grinning ear to ear making Mason laugh at him seeing how excited he was. "I love that I have a mate," Henry swooned as he flopped on his bed, head in Mason's lap who started running his fingers through his hair absentmindedly. "Do you know how many werewolf books there are like this? The classic average human, nothing remarkable, finds out that creatures that were thought to be nothing but a myth are real and living among us which leads to finding a true love. It's both corny and freaking amazing at the same time and I'm loving every second of it," Henry said and they both started to giggle as he went into more details.

"I'm glad you seem really happy," Mason said earning a concerned look from Henry who sat up to face him.

"Speaking of being happy, how is my little wolfy friend? Any news about you and Nick?" Henry asked and watched the steam pour out of the red heads ears as he remembered his own heated events from last night, burying his head under the pillow and let out his own squeal. "That's not exactly what I was talking about but we can go down that road," Henry said with a cheeky grin, poking Mason's tickle spots causing the red head to squirm. "What I meant was, has your relationship improved at all? He does seem to like you, sort of. Taken you up to his room... How many times has it been? I've lost count," Henry said, pulling the pillow off Mason who pouted in response. "I guess no."

"He doesn't like me. His wolf likes me and is ready to consummate our bond. Nick has no idea how he feels about me and we haven't said a word to each other about it. It's confusing and stressful," Mason grumbled, letting out a long sigh and suddenly rolled out of Henry's bed. "I want popcorn."

"Oh! Good idea," Henry said, hopping up to follow him. "What if we got Ajax and Milly to sit you guys down and talk it all out? Or Dr. Bee. Have him act as a shrink," Henry offered as they made their way down the stairs but Mason's eyes flashed with an alarmed look on his face. "Fine. No Dr. Bee," Henry said with a chuckle, laughing harder when the real Mason joined him, when he suddenly quirked his head to the side. "Where do you think he got his name from?"

"I don't know. Maybe his family descends from bee keepers," Mason joked as he got popcorn out of the cupboard while Henry sat down on one of the kitchen stools. "Speaking of names, because I know it's still on your mind, what names have you been thinking of for my wolf?" Mason asked with a knowing look and smiled when Henry perked up.

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