Christmas Special 2022

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"It's snowing! It's snowing!" Henry's voice shouted from Nicholas' open bedroom door, Mason cracking open his little eyes letting out a long yawn, when he realized he was surrounded in darkness. It was then that he realized he'd shifted into his wolf form in the middle of the night, Mason crawling through the neck hole to see Nicholas waking as well looking rather grumpy.

"Yell like that again and I'll- Ow!" Nicholas started to growl when Mason, who had popped free of his shirt, bit down on Nicholas's arm glaring up at him. "Well tell your friend to shut up," Nicholas grumbled, burying his head under his pillow.

"Come on guys. It's snowing!" Henry said, popping up in the door frame beaming from ear to ear while pulling on a big winter coat over his shoulders. "It's the first snow of the year. Let's go!" Henry said, kneeling down calling for Mason who was currently trying to gauge the distance between the bed and the floor when Nicholas, still grumbling about murdering Henry, pinched Mason's scruff between his fingers and lowered the pup to the ground. Mason licked his thumb in appreciation, letting out another yawn, before calmly padding over to Henry still feeling very sleepy.

"What about snow?" Mason asked even though Henry couldn't hear him.

Mason didn't have any fond memories of snow. He had been homeless for such a long time, wandering the world with nowhere to call home until now. Mason remembered what it had been like sleeping outside with no shelter, even in the dead of winter, and how cold it had been curled up into a ball. He could also remember slipping on ice while trying to run from hunter's, getting buried in snow as a pup and almost unable to get out, and nearly dying from frostbite. So Mason wasn't in any hurry to follow after Henry down the hallway, Hunter popping out of Henry's room in only shorts and a t-shirt who looked just as giddy racing down the stairs after Henry. From the top of the stairs, he could see Ajax and Milly standing by the door sipping on hot chocolate watched a light snow fall. Ajax had one arm around Milly, smiling down at her while Milly rubbed her belly. She looked beautiful in a thick fur coat framing her face, her blonde hair lightly curled which bounced as she turned to watch Mason carefully making his way down the stairs.

"Did Nicholas not come down with you?" Milly asked, not surprised in the least but still curious.

"Nick is still sleepy," Mason said, yawning for the third time which was a mistake as his paw slipped on the third step causing Mason to tumble down the last remaining steps. "You win again," Mason growled lot in his throat, glaring at the stairs, before shaking himself off and heading over to the others gathered by the door. "Why is everyone so excited about snow?" Mason asked looking from one person to the other, Hunter wrapping a red and white scarf around Henry's neck who was pulling on a pair of gloves.

"It's the first snow of the year. It's kind of a tradition of ours to see the fresh snow everywhere," Ajax said with a smile as Mason came over to the door, getting up on his hind legs to look through the glass. "It's all pretty magical," Ajax murmured into Milly's hair, kissing her head who giggled as Ajax surreptitiously reached for a bag of small marshmallows on the counter to put more in his hot chocolate.

Mason wasn't all that excited as he looked through the glass door but the minute his eyes focused on the view, his big blue eyes started to sparkle. It really was the first snow of the year so there wasn't a lot of it. There was a light layer on the ground, some layered on the rooftops, and the trees bare without their fall leaves had their own layer of snow on each individual branches. Not only that but there were people outside from the pack, some in their human forms while others were prancing around as wolves catching snowflakes on their tongue. Children were running around throwing snowballs at one another, their parents like Ajax and Milly huddled together for warmth watching the snow fall from all around. It was such a beautiful sight that Mason's tail started to wag, Mason hopping from one foot to the other looking like he was dancing as he moved from one side of the door to the other trying to see everything outside.

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