Chapter 49

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Sorry I haven't posted in a while! A. I've been busy with school B. It's been chaotic at my house C. The wifi has been acting funky at my house and D. Some of you might have noticed it already but I am not the best writer. It's a fact! I have a long way to go, there are A LOT of things I can work on, and sometimes the chapters and pretty good and some are so-so. It happens! But practice makes perfect and as I've said countless times, this book is a rough draft I'm just writing in a the moment. I have a storyline already set up, I know where it's heading, but it can be hard to figure out what to slip in between like funny bits or hints to important things in the future. So! As long as you're patient with me, I hope you'll enjoy. Sorry again but authors have their own lives too so all I can ask is for your patience, love and support, and to cheer your author on cause she sometimes needs morale support. For instance...

WE'VE REACHED 10K VOTES! That's a HUGE milestone to a small writer like me who's only been posting for roughly six months so THANK YOU ALL! I love you and as I promised those who read my Story Idea chapter, or if you didn't then I'm telling you now, I'll be posting two chapters so enjoy these two. Love you all and I hope you keep reading with me! Totally not trying not to cry right now... So shush! YOU READ NOTHING! (Throws laptop across the room and burrows under blankets, trembling all over) I'm not here. What you talking about?

Anywho... (Slaps you in face with book which plops open on your lap and you read...)

"Nothing irregular about the baby, mother is doing fine who will be due for a mandatory visit in three weeks regardless of the water breaking. Everything appears to be fine so I'll be taking my leave since they need me back at the infirmary for surgery. Call me back if you need me and thanks for the food!" Dr. Bee said as he packed up his things and made his way through the house to the door, giving a final wave over his shoulder before the door shut behind him leaving everyone else in the living room to stare after him with chuckle or, in Ajax's case, an eyeroll.

"Fucking twat," Ajax muttered and narrowly dodged an elbow to the ribs. "Well he is," Ajax muttered, pouting under Milly's glare before turning to focus on Nicholas who was openly glaring at Mason from across the coffee table. Both were sitting in the loveseats with Ajax, Milly, and Roxanne sitting on the couch in the middle between them, Nicholas leering and Mason avoiding all forms of eye contact as he nursed his hand to his chest with the icepack set on top. "You lovebirds done or should we give you the room?" Ajax asked, crossing his arms over his chest and glanced at the pregnant women on his right and left to back him up who giggled to themselves as Nicholas gagged and Mason blushed brighter than his hair.

"Please don't make jokes like that. Whoever my mate is, if they still exist, they'll be way hotter than that tiny little runt of a wolf," Nicholas said with a sneer, jerking his thumb in Mason's direction, when he sensed a pair of withering eyes on him to see Mason's glaring back at him who was slightly flexing his injured hand like he was debating going for a second hit. "Try me, pipsqueak. You're not getting the drop on me this time," Nicholas growled, standing up cracking his knuckles together, when there were three other glares directed his way in clear irritation.

"Touch him and I'm getting the rope," Milly said, glancing toward the back door and smiled thinly when she saw her son flinch as he remembered the tree incident from the first time.

"It's getting late so I recommend we all start heading to bed," Ajax said with a sigh, standing up diverting everyone's attention from the growing argument as he turned to Stephanie who was sitting on the bar stool at the counter pouting after being ignored by Nicholas for so long. "You alright Stephanie? Been rather quiet for a while and it makes Nicholas antsy," Ajax said in a teasing tone, chuckling when Nicholas glared at him before marching around Ajax toward the kitchen.

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