Chapter 46

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When your author is sick (NOT COVID) and she has a whole free day from school work and the like so what does she do... WRITE STUFF! Dudes, it feels like there's a wad of hair at the back of my throat I can't swallow and I sound like a chain smoker lol

"I can't believe we almost lost you," Henry cried who was curled up under the counter sobbing, hugging Mason to his chest while everyone else was staring down at him like he was insane. Mason was curled up on Henry's chest and was just enjoying hearing Henry's heart beat now that he was safely in his arms, nuzzling his head against Henry with a satisfied groan. "Are you hurt anywhere? Are you okay? Do you need the doctor? We should go to that Dr. Bee guy. Though... he kind of scares me if I'm being honest. Would you rather go to a different doctor? Why aren't you shifting? I-"

"Henry!" Ajax called, stopping the boy's ranting talk who jumped a little as he looked up at the alpha who was arching a brow at him. "Why are you talking to a dog?" Ajax asked slowly, like he was worried Henry would snap if he pushed Henry too hard.

Henry stared back at him and was clearly confused as he looked from the alpha to the luna and back. "Huh?"

"Have you met Stephanie, dear? She's the daughter of an alpha friend of ours from another pack and Nicholas's childhood friend. She bought that puppy at the local pet store for Nicky. Ain't that sweet?" Milly said, changing the subject a little while explaining the situation to the boy who stared back at the woman in pure utter confusion.

"P-pet store?" Henry questioned, looking down at Mason when Mason's little paws suddenly reached up and squished Henry's cheeks together while glaring up at him.

"I swear to the moon goddess, if you act like I'm just a dog, I'm going to bite your lips off," Mason thought at him and he swore Henry could somehow hear him or tell what he was thinking because he nodded and hugged Mason to his chest with a determined look.

"This is Mason, we are not handing him over to that Nick guy so he's staying with me, and I'm hungry and smell food. What's for dinner?" Henry said, sniffling the air as the smell of food cooking in the oven wafted into the room despite the window being opened making Milly gag suddenly who quickly rose up off the couch with Ajax's help to run to the bathroom.

"Chicken and that's not your dog so you can't claim him as your own. Give him back to Stephanie already," Ajax said with a sigh, getting up to check on dinner walking past Henry who stared after him before he finally looked over like he just noticed the strawberry blonde for the first time.

"You're the girl Nicholas is scared of?" Henry asked, carefully standing up holding Mason against his chest who was nuzzling his body into Henry's handing enjoying the familiar scent of his friend. Though it was a little more... pungent then the last time.

"Oh, he's not scared of me," Stephanie said with a laugh, giggling to herself which only made Mason remember the pet shop fiasco yesterday.

"You sure about that?" Mason asked, hugging Henry's hands with his paws when someone pinched the back of his neck lifting him up by his scruff. "Hey!"

"Puppy needs to go back with Steph now. Say goodbye, Henry," Ajax said, handing Mason back even as he squirmed when Henry quickly cupped his hands under Mason's body and took him back.

"He's not a puppy!" Henry snapped, surprising Ajax who narrowed his eyes down at him. A jolt went through Henry, trembling a little under Ajax's irritated glare from being yelled at like a parent about ready to scold their child, but Henry swallowed down his fear and steeled his resolve before frowning back up at Ajax. "This is Mason. Why can't you see that?" Henry demanded, turning his body away as if to shield Mason from Ajax who let out a long sigh.

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