Chapter 19

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Three weeks later...

"Mason! Breakfast!" Ajax called from downstairs knowing full well Mason was asleep at the top of the stairs. He'd been called to breakfast ten minutes ago and had managed to crawl out of bed, crawl his way out his bedroom door, before collapsing and falling back to sleep right as he reached the stairs and was snoozing softly.

"Don't wanna get up," Mason mumbled, curling up into a little ball with his red hair splayed out around him when Milly came down the hall yawning into her hand rubbing her seven month round belly that had been giving her some back problems recently.

"Morning, baby boy. Ready for breakfast?" Milly asked tiredly and carefully knelt down while Mason shifted, leaving his pajamas which consisted of a tank-top and a pair of shorts. Milly extracted the small hamster sized wolf from inside the clothes and stood up, wobbling for a moment with her hand on the wall while placing Mason on her round belly, before carefully making her way down the stairs.

"Milly, stop spoiling him. If you keep carrying him down the stairs like that, he'll never learn to get up on his own," Ajax said as he exited the kitchen where delicious smells were wafting from that were having Milly lick her lips as she slowly made her way downstairs. "Let me help you."

"To coin a phrase from you; Don't spoil me. I can get down the stairs myself, thank you," Milly said a little irritably as she gripped the banister, her other hand in front of her belly while Mason lay sprawled up on top, and she finally made it to the ground floor while Ajax watched her carefully.

"You're different. You're carrying precious cargo in here," Ajax said, kneeling down to kiss Milly's belly who giggled when the baby kicked right then. "Rude."

"That or they are agreeing with you," Milly said with a giggle, scratching Mason's back who stretched out his body deliciously with a content sigh.

"Do they agree you're spoiling our new pup?" Ajax asked, scratching behind Mason's ear which had Mason's back legs kicking out.

"Hm... nope! No kicks," Milly said after a small pause, grinning up at Ajax who gave her a look before kissing her on the lips and hurrying back to the kitchen when they smelled something burning. "Oh god," Milly gagged and quickly deposited Mason on the back of the couch who tumbled down to the cushions with a yelp before Milly waddled her way to the bathroom as fast as she could and started retching.

"I see she's already having a great start to her day," a woman said as she entered the pack house through the front door that had a big glass window in the middle that showed the front yard.

The woman was tall and was quite muscular, her biceps that on par with Ajax who peered at her between the kitchen counter and the overhead cupboards nailed up into the ceiling. Her dark brown hair was up in a very tight bun, not a hair out of place with her hair slick and smooth, and her light brown eyes had sharp makeup painted on her eyelids that made her seem more cat like than that of a wolf as she was and Mason cowered away from her, jumping off the couch when she drew near.
"Ah, the midwife Clarissa. Always a pleasure," Ajax said with a forced smile, watching the woman stalk down the hall after Milly who was still retching. When she disappeared into the bathroom, Ajax stuck his tongue out at her. Mason appeared in the kitchen, his paws sliding on the hardwood which caused him to crash into the refrigerator, who started to yap and yip while jumping up, as high as he could get which was up to Ajax's thigh, and was begging for a slice of bacon that was collecting onto a plate on the counter by the stove where Ajax was cooking more. "What? You think I'm giving you some?" Ajax asked with a shake of his head, gently nudging Mason away with his bare foot but the little puppy came right back and grabbed onto the bottom of Ajax's pantleg to his sweats and started throwing his head around as he growled and tugged on it. "We both now how old you are, boy. Stop acting like a child and go to your room to change and eat properly at the table," Ajax ordered with a chuckle, sweeping his leg out and pushing Mason back behind him but Mason slid forward when Ajax brought his leg forward again seeing as Mason still had his jaws clamped down on Ajax's pant leg.

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