Chapter 50

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"You don't have to include us in the birthday party. We'll be fine as guests," Mason said, trembling all over and honestly looked like he was about to have a meltdown at any minute as they kept making plans for the party he clearly didn't think he deserved. "I've been had a birthday party so I don't really need one. I've never even been to a party. What do you even do at parties? There's cake I think but what else? I don't even know my own birthday. Have I even had a birthday party? What's a birthday!?" Mason vented and was clearly freaking out even as Ajax hugged him to his chest and rubbed his back, lightly shushing him with a little cooing.

"Calm down Mason! It's okay," Henry panicked, panicking over Mason's panicking, and both boys seemed very flustered by the turn of events they'd been roped into.

"We have a lot to plan so I'll be heading out. Goodnight everyone!" Stephanie called out while texting away on her phone and made her way out the door, Nicholas sighing in relief and relaxed in his chair while watching his mother talk animatedly on the phone with her luna friend.

"We'll hash out all the details in the morning so for now, cool your jets buddy," Ajax soothed with a chuckle, rubbing his back and even started swaying even as Mason continued to mumble to himself with Henry circling around them like a nervous puppy.

"Please listen to me for once, dad, but... please don't form this party. Or at least leave me out of it," Nicholas asked, pleaded more like, and was ignored. "Why do I bother."

"I'm not sure but I think it's cute," Milly said and kissed Nicholas on the cheek. "Now that I think about it, when was the last time we saw Steph's older brother? They say they haven't seen him in a year or two, like Nicholas though they've at least been in touch on the phone and postcards," both alpha and luna glared at their son for a split second, "but when was the last time we saw him?" Milly asked, looking thoughtful which had Ajax thinking about it leaving the boys to their freak out on the couch.

"It has been a long while. A little over three years since he took up the family business in their restaurant and then took off to go mate searching," Ajax said, walking over to Milly and started guiding her toward the stairs even as she kept texting with her luna friend with a giddy smile on her face. "It'll be nice to catch up. Have you been in contact with him Nicky?" Ajax asked as he lifted Milly into his arms bridal style, careful with her belly, and turned to Nicholas before heading up the stairs for bed.

"No," Nicholas said and left it at that, his parents staring at him blankly before they sighed and turned toward the boys.

"Don't stay up too late! Henry, I assume your staying the night, yes?" Ajax asked, Milly squealing as her friend sent her their ultrasound photo.

"I just got my best friend back," Henry whimpered, hugging Mason tightly who squirmed around needing air and his icepack back. "Hey, what happened to your hand?"


"You didn't!" Henry gasped as they were getting ready for bed, Henry toweling off his hair after his much needed shower while Mason changed the bedding since they had started to stink after the blonde's nap. "Did you seriously punch him? I wanted to go punch him after you told me but I can't believe you actually did it," Henry said and looked really excited, like he was admiring his hero which made Mason giggle a little.

"Honestly, I'm not entirely sure why or how I did it. Maybe my wolf taking over again, or another outburst like when I snapped at you which I'm sorry about. My body just kind of moved on its own and I remember feeling this boiling anger and wanting to do something with it," Mason said with a sigh, changing into pajamas while Henry got comfortable on the bed.

"And you certain did something with it. Holy crap! I wish I had been there to see it," Henry said with a whine. Then he sat up in bed with a serious expression on his face and looked up at Mason. "I'm really sorry, Mason."

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