Chapter 98

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"So you wanna tell me what was troubling you earlier," Nicholas suddenly asked as they were cuddling in his bed ready to go to sleep, Mason peeking up at him curiously with his baby blue eyes shining in the dark room as Koda was more awake than Mason was at the moment.

"What do you mean?" Mason asked, yawning as Nicholas pulled Mason even closer if that was possible with them tangled together, Mason's arms wrapped around the much larger young alpha who was hugging him back rubbing one of his hands up and down Mason's back which was soothing the red head to sleep even as Nicholas was trying to talk to him.

"When you were showering, you were thinking about something. What was it?" Nicholas asked bluntly, changing his soothing back rubs to poking and prodding causing Mason to squirm and giggle.

"It's nothing really. Just thinking back to when I was a kid and..." Mason said, his tone light and airy trying to make it sound like it was no big deal, but then the memories started to pop up in his head and he fell silent as he tried to focus on them even as they slipped through his fingers. "I remember... someone in the house with me when it was burning," Mason mumbled, staring down at Nicholas chest. When Nicholas stiffed and looked down at Mason with wide eyes, Mason realized he'd never really gone in depth into his backstory and felt bad for the freaked out expression Nicholas had on his face as he made them sit up. "I'm okay! Well, obviously, I'm okay. I'm sitting with you right now so I obviously made it okay but... I was just wondering how I got out of that situation," Mason said telling Nicholas all that he could remember from that day from the way his house looked to the man who had tried to drown him and even what his birthday cake looked like. "I was dropped in the bathtub and the next thing I remember is waking up in the middle of a park under a play structure. Koda doesn't seem to remember either so... I don't know," Mason mumbled as he fidgeted with his hands in his lap, trying to think but no matter how hard he tried, he just couldn't remember and his brain couldn't figure out any plausible explanations.

"Have you told either of my parents about this? They might be able to find out where you came from if they search police databases," Nicholas said calmly, Mason slowly looking up at him with a note of surprise and suspicion.

"Your parents have access to police databases?" Mason asked, arching a brow at Nicholas. Then a thought occurred to Mason. "What do your parents do for a living?"

"Well, Alpha and Luna duties take up most of their time, keeping everyone safe and making sure no one is exposing our secrets to the humans," Nicholas said nonchalantly. "As for their 'human' jobs, dad usually works as a contractor and my mom works at the daycare helping the cubs learn how to shift and to control both their human half and wolf half but with mom's pregnancy, and the fact that she has to stay as a wolf for most of the time until the birth, and dad being dangerously overprotective of mom, they're both on maternity leave until little baby-to-be comes," Nicholas said with a small smile he thought Mason couldn't see in the dark but the red head could see it as if they were in the bright of day what with his night vision making Mason smile brightly kissing Nicholas on the cheek. "Oh, enough with the mushy stuff! Go to sleep," Nicholas grumbled, dragging Mason down causing the red head to squeal with a giggle as he slipped back down the bed until his head rested on the pillows again pulled into Nicholas' chest.

"You started it," Mason teased, nuzzling his face into Nicholas' chest. "You sure you don't want to join us in our movie night? Hunter is gonna come after you guys finish helping your dad," Mason asked, trying the puppy eyes move Henry taught him to get Nicholas to do his "bidding" or so Henry said.

"If you master this move, you might be able to make that jerk more tolerable to be around," Henry said sagely like he was some kind of wizened old monk.

"You seriously think I want to sit in my living room watching TV with Hunter and that all night? I think I'd rather go to Jessica's party," Nicholas said with a roll, getting comfortable even as Mason squirmed, trying to talk to him, but Nicholas was holding Mason tightly to his chest and dozing off despite the red heads antics.

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