Chapter 71

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"Nicholas, I can walk. He didn't hurt me and there was no reason to be so rough with him. We were only talking," Mason kept saying, afraid Nicholas would hunt Darrel down if he couldn't convince the young man the young omega was harmless, but Nicholas didn't seem to care at all about that. In fact, Nicholas seemed as happy as a clam smiling ear to ear carrying Mason over his shoulder. If the young man looked to his left, he could see Hunter walking next to him with a familiar blond hanging from his shoulder as they were walking back to the pack house who was watching Mason squirm fruitlessly with a small smirk on his face.

"Welcome to my world," Henry said and let out a chuckle, Mason blushing slightly when Henry raised his hand and gave Hunter's tush a spank.

"Hey! What I tell you about teasing me?" Hunter asked, a gleam in his eye as he looked over his shoulder at the blonde who gave him a cheeky grin.

"That my ass would be in risk though I have to say, I don't think I believe you. I mean, you've produced no proof if you would do anything against me for teasing you so how would I know whether you're bluffing or not?" Henry said with a smile, grinning ear to ear like Nicholas, when a large hand smacked over his ass hard enough to make a sound on impact causing Henry to yelp.

"Test me some more. I dare you," Hunter said, giving Henry another spank which seemed to gain Nicholas's attention who looked over at Mason's rear sticking up in the air as the red head was folded over his arm.

"He's not gonna... is he?" Mason thought, his butt clenching in anticipation, when they the boys crossed the lawn toward the pack house front door. They had been summoned back by Milly roughly an hour or two before dinner and they could see why. Mason and Henry hadn't opened all of their gifts from the birthday party so both alpha's and luna's along with their children would act as their audience before having Mason's birthday dinner. "You didn't have to. We already celebrated and I feel bad about intruding already," Mason said as Nicholas set him back on his feet, Milly pulling him in for a hug while Ajax pulled Nicholas aside to talk to him. Hunter carried Henry over to one of the loveseats and sat him down on the ground where the coffee table had been, Henry sitting between his legs where his presents sat so he could stay with his mate.

"Hush now! I'd love to throw a party for you everyday if Ajax would let me. You deserve to be happy, baby boy, and this is the least I could do," Milly said, placing kisses on his cheeks much to Nicholas's annoyance but he just barely reigned it in other than a little glaring. Ajax wasn't too happy with that but he also managed to reign it in and actually dragged Nicholas away toward his study looking cross about something else entirely.

"What is...?" Mason started to ask but Milly nudged him to sit across from Henry on the ground against the other love seat once Milly had sat down so she could play with Mason's red hair and they all watched Henry and Mason open their remaining presents.

"Oh!" Henry gasped as he opened his first gift, a book and he had a bright smile on his face as he looked down at the bright cover. "I've been wanting to read this since forever. How did you guys know?" Henry asked, beaming which made Milly and Hannah squeal.

"Oh, I wish you'd smile more often. You look lovely," Hannah said excitedly, tugging on Jayden's shirt sleeve like she needed to get his attention even though he was already watched the boys making the man chuckle.

"I agree and that book is actually from us. Hunter has lots of books in his room back at home and this was one of his favorites back in the day. Had Hannah reading it to him as a bedtime story almost every night," Jayden said, hugging Hannah to his side and they smiled when Henry thanked them hugging the book to his chest before moving to open another gift.

"New shoes!" Mason said with a slight gasp, looking down at the black and white shoes with pale white laces.

"Those are converse," Henry said with a chuckle, all of them smiling seeing Mason so excited about shoes though it also made them a little sad knowing there was a time he might not have had any. "I used to have a pair back in middle school but someone spilled milk all over them during lunch. They smelled so bad after that no matter how many times I washed them so my... well, I had to throw them out," Henry said, everyone smiling sadly at Henry too, when Henry let out an even bigger gasp. "I've been looking for this figurine forever!" Henry shrieked looking like a child at Christmas and he excitedly showed Hunter who looked so happy just to see his mate smiling giving him a dreamy look.

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