Chapter 100

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We made it! We've made it to the 100th episode of Tiny Luna. It's been a long time coming and I can't believe we've made it so far. Thank you everyone who's been reading with me all this time and I hope you'll continue reading with me. I hope you'll check out my other stories while I go edit Tiny Luna. I plan to focus mostly on Witch series which is basically the classic fairytale stories like Cinderella, Snow White, and Sleeping beauty but with my own colorful twist. I only have Witch-Sleeping Beauty so far but I hope you'll check it out and let me know what you think.

After this chapter, Tiny Luna will officially be on Hiatus so I can edit the entire story so far.

Without further ado, let's get on with the story...

"You look so dashing!" Jessica squealed, beaming up at Nicholas who was wearing a crown. Jessica had planned a whole outfit for him, like she somehow knew he would come no matter how much he refused. However, Nicholas wouldn't put on the clothes she had made for him no matter what she said so she settled for having him wear the crown, Nicholas rolling his eyes as she complemented on how handsome he was. "As the birthday girl, I insist we have a dance and-" Nicholas walked away before she could finish, not even looking back to see if she was following which she was. "O-or we could get something to eat first."

"Where's Mason?" Nicholas asked, looking around for his mate, only to freeze up as he saw Stephanie and Mason sitting on the steps to the glass throne talking to one another, Mason laughing at something Stephanie had said.

"Why are you looking for Mason?" Jessica asked when she saw what he was looking at, Jessica letting out a giggle causing Nicholas to arch a brow at her. "Don't you think Stephanie and Mason would make a cute couple? She might say she likes tall guys with muscle but I swear she prefers boyish looking guys instead," Jessica said with a giggle, trying to slip her hand into Nicholas like they were sharing a moment together, but Nicholas shook her off and clearly took a step away from her.

"Jessica, we've been over this. I don't want to be your boyfriend. I don't even like you," Nicholas said flatly, shaking his head as Jessica insisted he was just playing hard to get. "To be honest, I'm gay," Nicholas said with a dismissive way of his hand, hoping that would convince her to leave him alone, but Jessica clearly didn't believe him as she once again tried to hold his hand. "I'm grabbing Mason and then we're leaving," Nicholas said before marching over toward the throne when all the lights suddenly went out. It took a minute for Nicholas' night vision to adjust, Nicholas blinking several times, and to his shock Mason wasn't where he had been. Neither was Stephanie or any of the other girls that had been sitting around the throne. Candlelight appeared to his left causing everyone to turn, Jessica letting out a gasp as her friends carted out a cake.

"Happy birthday, Jessica!" they all called out in unison, everyone cheering and clapping as Jessica admired the cake.

Nicholas, on the other hand, was not at all pleased as he still couldn't see Mason anywhere. Stephanie was among the girls showing off the cake, bragging how she had tried several different cake recipes to find the best, but Mason was lost in a sea of teenagers that started singing Happy Birthday to Jessica. A hand landed on his shoulder and he turned around to see Hunter and Henry who had spotted him through the crowd.

"Finally! I was worried you'd fallen in the pool," Hunter said with a chuckle, Henry looking around for Mason too.

"You weren't even looking for us. I saw you slow dancing with the brat," Nicholas said, Hunter smiling dreamily as he reminisced about it. Henry glared up at Nicholas, none too pleased to find him either, before looking around again.

"Where's Mason?" Henry asked but none of them had an answer as they watched Jessica blow out the candles.


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