Chapter 28

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To say Mason was scared seemed to be the understatement of the century, perhaps the millennia, who found himself trembling all over at the thought of being in the same room with Nicholas again. It would be with other people of course, Ajax and Milly would be there too so there shouldn't be any problems either with Nicholas or anyone, but Mason couldn't get that memory out of his head when Nicholas has just shown up and the library and taken over his entire will like that. To stand before him, that same man, and pledge himself to Nicholas felt a little like signing his own death sentence.

"I heard what he did," a voice piped up behind Mason, startling the young man who nearly jumped out of his skin before whirling around. There, standing behind him, was a young man roughly around two or three years older than Mason who was clearly an Omega judging by his small, slim and lean stature. Everyone around them were Omega's, at least seven in all not counting Mason himself. "Are you okay?" the young man asked, looking worried as he gave Mason a once over who tried to calm him erratic heartrate.

"I-I'm fine, thank you. Maybe a little... startled by his sudden presence than anything," Mason said with a light hearted laugh, fidgeting with the hem of his shirt as he glanced toward the meeting hall doors which were currently closed as they performed the small ritual inside. "I'm Mason," the boy introduced himself, holding his hand out for a shake which the guy took with a firm grip.

"Rory. Girly name, I know," the young man said, laughing self consciously to himself as he rubbed the back of his neck with his hand.

"Doesn't have to be. I know a wrestler up in Colorado named Rory, best in his town in fact and aiming for nationals," Mason said with a smile, Rory looking delighted and he seemed even more infatuated with the young man then before. "Do you know the young alpha well?" Mason asked, remembering how the other boy had started a conversation with him and watched Rory's face grow dark.

"Oh I know him alright. We went to school roughly at the same time. Made my life hell," Rory ground out, shooting a glare toward the meeting doors before looking away.

"I see," Mason said, feeling his heart rate increase again as he imagined what life at school would be with Nicholas which made him tremble a little bit.

"Let's just say, he was the king of the school and he wanted everyone to acknowledge it. You know, beating others down into submission and all that, including the humans in our grades. He only acknowledged those who were strong or who could show their 'worth' to him, whatever that means. I think the one and only one to do that at our school would be a beta girl who switched to another pack last year to be with her mate who showed him she could help with banking and what not because she was really good at math," Rory said, shrugging helplessly at the end with a long sigh.

"So as long as you show him you can be useful, you will earn his respect or something?" Mason asked, a little hopeful that he could possible earn his "worth" in Nicholas's eyes if he tried hard enough, but Rory was already shaking his head before he could even finish speaking, his light brown hair swinging in front of his soft grey eyes as he let out an irritated sigh.

"That's the thing. You can only be acknowledged if you are worth anything to him for his own personal matters like the beta who barely made it in with his so-so fighting skills and his excellent cooking skills to make Nicholas lunch so he didn't have to eat the school food," Rory said, crossing his arms over his chest and shaking his head to himself. "I tried showing my worth with my own cooking skills but he said he already had a good cook and that my food wasn't as good so he didn't want to bother with me. After that, I became his friends errand boy for the rest of my school life to fetch their food from the cafeteria or do their homework unless I wanted to get beaten up. I hate that guy," Rory growled low in his throat and he honestly looked hurt as he stared down at the ground, Mason wanting to give him a comforting hug but wasn't sure if it was okay since they were only just getting familiar with one another.

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