Chapter 96

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"You almost done in there?" Jessica asked, peeking into the room of her personal library only to find a large mess of books with feet sticking out from the bottom. "Mason?"

"I think you should have gotten someone in here sooner," Mason's voice came out muffled from inside the mess of books. Like a volcano, Mason's red head rose up from the middle and he emerged from the pile of books, standing up carefully making his way toward the door where there weren't books lying on the ground. "At least they're mostly paperback," Mason said as he finally made it, nearly tripping over a book but he caught himself.

"I didn't realize it would be this bad," Jessica said, feigning guilt. "At least you filled a whole shelf."

"And then everything fell on me," Mason said with a sigh, stretching his body out. "Do you like reading?" Mason asked as he knelt down to try and collect some of the books into a pile but that's how he had originally found all the books. Not put up on the shelves but stacked up on the ground halfway towards the ceiling.

"Oh course. This is my favorite issue of Us Weekly," Jessica said, picking an old issue up from a desk by the door. "Wanna take a break? My chef just made little sandwiches for me and I can't possibly finish them all by myself. Plus, I could use your opinion on what dress I should wear to my party. I keep changing my mind and I can't settle on a decision," Jessica said with a chipper smile, yanking Mason up onto his feet and started pulling him down the hall by his wrist.

"Wait! But I've just barely started," Mason said, looking back helplessly but he was dragged to Jessica's bedroom despite his protests. "I don't really know a lot about dresses and style," Mason said as he was pushed into Jessica's room only to freeze where he stood as he found several pairs of eyes staring at him.

"Hey, isn't that Henry's little friend? We saw him at the mall, right?" one of the girls asked as Jessica pushed him toward a desk chair at a mostly empty desk that clearly hadn't been used a lot or at least not for it's intended use, nail polish and other makeup stuff. "He's kind of cute."

"I'm not really into red heads. Brunette's all the way," another girl said causing all the girls in the room to giggle.

There were at least twenty girls scattered all around Jessica's room which looked between a royal sweet with a four poster bed and a teenage girls room with posters, girly pillows thrown around, and there was a round white coffee table with a steel stacked tray that looked more like a wedding cake filled with little sandwiches like Jessica said. All the girls were wearing cute pajamas with their hair up in silly cute hair styles making Jessica stand out as she went into her walk-in closet for a few minutes before coming out in a dress Mason had only glimpsed celebrities wearing on the red carpet.

"What do we think of this?" Jessica asked wearing a sparkly purple and black dress. "I'm not sure if I like the off-the-shoulder strap," Jessica was saying which elicited a chorus of agreement from the other girls. "I'm gonna change."

"So your name is Mason, right?" one of the girls asked, all eyes on Mason suddenly who felt really out of place in his blue jeans and a long sleeved blue shirt in a very pink and red room.

"Um, yeah," Mason said quietly, sitting rather stiffly.

"I love your red hair. I hate my blonde hair. Got it from my mom and I've got split ends like you wouldn't believe," another girl said with a sigh, twirling a lock of her hair around her finger with a pout.

"So where did you come from, Mason?" one of Jessica's best friends asked, all of them looking eager to hear the answer when Jessica came out of her closet in a long slim black dress with no straps. "You look amazing," the blonde gushed but Jessica clicked her tongue as she looked at herself in the mirror.

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