Chapter 34

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"So you've locked Stephanie up in one of our guests houses?" Nicholas asked carefully, peeking out through the crack in his door after Ajax finished explaining to his son that he could out of hiding from his room who was trying to keep a serious face but failing.

"She apparently ran away from home heading straight here without telling her parents and was so exhausted she didn't fight with our warriors but instead collapsed the minute she was shown into the guest house. She'll be out for a day at the very least," Ajax said and watched his son slowly slip out of his room and peering around the corner down the hall leading to the staircase. Ajax crept up behind him, a sinister smile on his face, and gave a small roar startling Nicholas who whirled around in fright before glaring at Ajax in annoyance.

"Not funny! You know how crazy she can be. It's not that ridiculous to be concerned," Nicholas hissed at him as they made their way down the stairs to see only the women sitting at the table still settling after their hefty meal involving seconds and thirds, for Milly fourths. "Where are the children? Ran off to their play room to play with their toys?" Nicholas asked, rolling his eyes, as he took a seat next to his friend while Ajax went to sit next to his mate, giving her a kiss on the lips who looked sleepy.

"Mason took Henry to school and will be waiting in town until his job at the library starts. They won't be back for a few hours," Milly said with a giggle before growing serious and looking over at the two seeing Nicholas reach over to feel Roxanne's belly, both reacting with bright smiles as they felt a kick. "If you don't mind my asking, what is your relationship with my son?" Milly asked, both young adults looking her way and started looking disgusted again before Milly patted the air. "I don't mean in a romantic way, obviously. I can see you're just friends but... What happened between the two of you?" Milly asked, looking between the two who shared a look.

"If you don't want to tell us yet, or it makes you uncomfortable, you don't have to right away," Ajax said though was clearly concerned remembering what Roxanne had said when they first met.

"No, I'm alright. It's just not a happy story and not the fondest memories to root through," Roxanne said a little stiffly, taking a deep breath. "I used to be a simple college student and was hanging out at a bar with my friends when I met him. This guy approached me and he seemed really interesting, was very attractive, and we immediately hit it off. He asked me if I wanted to go get something to eat and I accepted since it seemed like he was just taking me on a date, saw nothing wrong with it, until..." Roxanne trailed off and looked down at the table. "I'm not entirely sure what he did, I think he hit me, but I woke up in a dark room with dozens of other girls and a few guys too. We were in a pack of werewolves and it wasn't... pleasant to say the least since we were there for breeding."

"Breeding!" both Ajax and Milly exclaimed, looking at one another in horror before letting Roxanne continue.

"We were basically auctioned off to the members of the pack who would bid on us and I was bought by the same man who kidnapped me. The alpha," Roxanne said, Ajax stiffening who looked like he wanted to punch this alpha right then and there. "He raped me every night until I was finally pregnant and that was... two years ago. I've had three kids, one pair of twins, and this is the fourth," Roxanne said and smoothed a hand over her belly with a sad smile on her face. "They were immediately taken from me the minute they were born and sent to some kind of alpha camp I think. I'm not sure but the minute the umbilical cord was cut they were taken from me and after letting me heal a little, I'd be raped all over again until I was knocked up again. They were a small pack of only twenty werewolf men but they wanted to create a pack that could rival the largest pack in London or at least, that's what the alpha would tell me after having his fun with me. There was no manner of escape since we were all locked up in the basement but then... your son saved me," Roxanne said and when she was done, she smiled over at Nicholas who returned it sheepishly but was clearly proud to help.

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