Chapter 66

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Mason ran so fast, working his muscles so hard he wasn't even sure if he was breathing anymore. He remembered running around the coffee table with his birthday cake on it, the candle shaped as a four melting thanks to the heat of the raging fire all around him, but what he was really searching for was missing. He couldn't find it! Mason raced around the couch, his little wolf body turning in circles trying to find- Mason stopped short as he saw a leg sticking out from behind the couch with a pool of blood spread out around it. Mason whimpered, backing away from it, when he bumped into someone's foot. A moment later, Mason let out a startled yelp as he was yanked off the ground suddenly, whimpering in pain, when he realized they were in the bathroom. Mason stared to cry, struggling to get free as he dangled from the person's hand, when the hand suddenly let him go and he started to tumble down toward the bathtub full of water.

"Mommy!" Mason screamed and suddenly sat straight up in bed, gasping for air until he realized he was safely in his room. Mason sat there for a while, breathing heavily, before he finally threw off the covers revealing his pajamas. He'd thrown on a pair of plain black basketball short and a random red t-shirt he'd pulled out of his drawer, not wanting to keep Hunter waiting downstairs, which he slightly regretted since it was a little cold making Mason shiver. "Haven't had that dream in a while," Mason mumbled to himself, getting up out of bed and slipped out of his room heading down the hall. He was about to open Henry's door, to see if the blonde was awake willing to talk to him for a bit, when he remembered the events of the party and caught himself before he touched the doorhandle. "I'm sure they still need time to be alone together," Mason whispered to himself with a bright smile, giggling to himself, and moved toward the stairs instead feeling so happy for Henry.

Henry hadn't talked about it much, understandably so, but Mason knew the blonde was still hurting from what happened with his mother. Mason hated it, wishing he could somehow make it better for Henry, but he knew the young man just needed some time to figure things out himself and would come to him when he's ready. For now, being with his mate was the most important thing for Henry and Hunter since it was their first time being together. Hunter really needed this time because he had been searching for his mate for two years! That puts a lot of strain on a young alpha which reminded Mason of Nicholas.

"I wonder if he made it back home safely," Mason wondered out loud as he made his way down the stairs, feeling a bit thirsty. The light in the upstairs hallway was his only source of light, the downstairs nearly pitch black, but Mason could see better thanks to his natural night vision so when Mason saw a figure leaning against the wall around the corner of the stairs looming over him he let out a shriek of fright and quickly stumbled away. "Ghosts!" Mason shrieked and quickly flipped the kitchen light switch, seizing up a wooden spoon from the plastic tub on the counter and he threw it sending it flying through the air. It was caught easily in the figures hand and his head lifted up to reveal Nicholas who arched a brow at the red head.

"You were going to fight a ghost with a spoon?" Nicholas asked, Mason blushing beet red and tried to come up with a logical excuse but his brain went blank and he could only get out a nervous laugh.

"D-did you just get back? Your dad was asking about you earlier wondering where you were. He also wanted to tell you Roxanne will be staying at the hospital since she's already past her due date for the baby," Mason said, changing the subject when he got a whiff of the air around Nicholas who was wobbling strangely even as he leaned against the wall for support which Mason found odd. "Are you... drunk?" Mason asked, sniffing the air and he could definitely smell booze off the young alpha but what concerned Mason was how he had gotten into this state. It took a lot of alcohol to make even an omega tipsy so for Nicholas to be unsteady on his feet, even tripping over the first step of the stairs crashing into the wall.

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