𖤈 Chapter Sixty-Four: Not Too Bad

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"psst," Jeno furrows his eyebrows, hands pausing while loosening his grip on the small pencil he only had. He tears his gaze away from the paper in front of him and looks up.

The teacher was taking a quick nap, but that doesn't mean they could fool around. Especially when they have already been given a punishment by writing some essay.

He hesitantly and carefully turns his head to look for the person who had tried to get his attention. Raising a brow when his eyes set on the girl near him.

Feeling a pair of eyes staring at her, she looks up and shakes her head as if she could read his mind. Pointing her thumb behind her as Jeno's eyes quickly followed the direction.

Eyes blinking in confusion when the tanned male at the second to the last row discreetly waves a hand to him, gaining his attention and also confirming his obvious question.

"Do you have an extra pen?" Jeno couldn't really catch that, but as he was about to ask in a whisper, the boy in front of the tanned male passes down a piece of paper.

When it reaches to Jeno, he didn't open the unequally folded paper immediately and instead focuses on the tanned male.

It was obvious he was a little frustrated, especially when he has to whisper his words; something he isn't very fond of nor good at. Used to being loud.

Making weird hand gestures until he whisper yells, "a pen!"

"I'm using it."


"He meant an extra pen," the previous girl near Jeno quickly speaks up. Thankfully the brunet boy finally understood as he then searches in his pencil case.

A sudden memory flashes in his mind, making him chuckle in amusement with his cheeks turning beetroot red. The current situation reminds him of a certain boy and a certain scenario.

Quickly passing down an extra pen for the tanned male, Jeno hurriedly finishes his work when they hear the teacher mumbling incoherently as the man squirms.


"Alright, you guys can leave. I'm sure I will still see you here sometime soon," the teacher announces in a lazy tone, leaning back on his seat.

Leaving the detention room, Jeno's bored face immediately lightens up when he comes face to face with a blond haired boy.

"How was detention?" A mocking grin dancing on his lips, Jeno huffs but still lets himself get engulfed in a welcoming hug.

"It sucked," he mutters in reply. "Although, I'm sure it wouldn't have been too bad if you were there."

"Dang, you really want me to punch another guy for you so I can join detention?" Jaemin quips.

Jeno nods with a silly smile adorning his pretty face, "it's a win-win situation, isn't it? You would save me and get to hangout with me in detention."

"Hmm, guess it really isn't too bad." Parroting his words, Jeno laughs at Jaemin's words of agreement.

Although it could be a joke, something on how his boyfriend said it sounded quite cute and sweet for Jeno's beating heart.

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