Part 93

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Y/N's POV:
It's Friday morning and I walk downstairs sadly to take Lizzie to the airport. When I walk into the living room I see Lizzie, Scarlett, the kids, my parents, Robin and Ryan. "Uh... hey guys. What's up? Why are you all here? Well I know why half of you are."

"We wanted to say bye!" My mom runs to me giving me a big hug. "Bye honey!"

"Oh? Wait why are you saying bye to me?" I look at her confused as she pulls back grabbing my shoulders.

"We love you sweetheart" My dad kisses my cheek.

"I love you both too but what's happening?" I furrow my brows at them.

"Well my love, you have to say bye to everyone since you're coming with me" Lizzie has the biggest grin on her face grabbing my hands.

"W-Wait what do you mean??" I shake my head in disbelief.

"We get to go live in England with Lizzie mommy!" Mason runs over hugging my legs.

"Wait what!? Seriously!?" I look from Mason to Lizzie.

"You and Mason get to come with me!" She cheers grabbing my face excitedly.

"We already packed all your stuff!" Scarlett chimes in holding Rose in her arms.

"What? Wait what about my job! I can't just leave! No one else works full time other than me and Robin" I shake my head taking a step back.

"You're lucky I love you and Robin you know" Ryan walks over smiling, "From now until you get back, my friend will be working full time with Robin. He needs a second job for awhile so it works out."

"But-" I start but Ryan puts his hand up stopping me.

"If you're gonna say what about money. I'll still be paying you just not as much as when you actually work" He chuckles.

"And to make sure you don't go broke love, you will kinda be my assistant. But I won't be paying you if that makes sense? You'll be getting paid though. I'll explain it more later" Lizzie giggles kissing me gently.

"This is.. amazing! Thank you thank you!" I throw my arms around Ryan hugging him tightly as he laughs. "But you know I can't do this every time Lizzie has to move for a movie"

"Eh we'll figure that out later. And you don't need to thank me. You're practically my little sister and I love you" He smiles and kisses your cheek.

"Thank you.. I love you too!" I bring him back into a hug.

"Thank Robin, this was her idea" He chuckles.

"Robin?" I turn to her as she stands smiling proudly. I run over hugging her and crying into her shoulder. "I love you so much Robin! I couldn't ask for a better best friend!"

"I love you too! And I know you'd be miserable with her again sooo you're welcome!" She giggles hugging me tightly back.

"Oh wait what about Scarlett and Rose??" I back away and turn to the two of them.

"Actually Lizzie said we could stay here until you come back. I'll help pay rent and tend to her garden and anything else" Scarlett walks over pulling me into a hug with her and Rose.

"I'm glad you two are staying here!" I hug them tightly and give Rose a kiss on the cheek. "One more thing, Teddy?"

"He's coming too don't worry!" Lizzie opens her arms again smiling.

"I love you!" I run to her wrapping my arms around her and spinning her around.

"I love you too baby!" She giggles kissing me, "Ok ok say bye we have to go! We're gonna be late to our flight!"

"Right!" I set her back down on the ground kissing her again.

I run over giving my parents both a hug, "We will miss you and our sweet little grandson so much!"

"I'll miss you both too! We'll FaceTime a few times a week so you can see me and Mason still!" I smile kissing their cheeks.

"You better!" My mom shakes me by my shoulders.

"Ok my turn!" Robin opens her arms, so I open my arms hugging her tightly. "You better call me too you hear"

"Of course I will! I love you, thank you again" I pull back from the hug smiling.

"I love you too. And you're very welcome."

"Now Me" Ryan grabs me and pulls me into a hug. "I guess I'll miss you also."

"I'll miss you too" I laugh giving him a big hug. I walk over yo Scarlett giving her a hug and kiss on the cheek. "Ill be sure to call you and little Rose here too I promise"

"You better" She smiles kissing my cheek back.

"I want another big hug!" Rose reaches for me to grab her.

"Aw come here" I take her from Scarlett hugging her tightly and giving her kisses all over her face as she giggles. "I'll miss my little Rose bud"

"I'll miss you too auntie!"

"You be good for your mommy, and for Robin" I chuckle starting to tickle her tummy.

"I will I promise." She smiles proudly.

"I know you will" I kiss her cheek and hand her back to Scarlett. "I love you all so much and we will see you when we get back!" I pick Mason up putting him on my shoulders and grab our bags.

"Ready babe?" Lizzie walks over giving me a small kiss.

"Very ready my love" We say bye once again before walking out to the car and putting our suitcases and bags in. I put Mason in his seat and kiss his cheek, "You excited?"

"Yes! Oh wait what about Teddy?"

"Teddy!" I run inside grabbing Teddy and his little kennel then run back out putting him on Masons lap. I put the kennel next to him in the car, "Now that's everything" I kiss his cheek and then Teddy on the head. I buckle Mason up, close his door then get into the car.

"I'm so happy you're all coming with me!" Lizzie squeals happily as we back out of the driveway.

"I'm happy we're coming too! I'm a little nervous about running out of money" I chuckle nervously, Lizzie smiles reaching over and grabs my hand.

"Don't worry I told you I have everything under control! You won't run out of money I promise" She quickly brings my hand up to her lips kissing the back of it softly. "I love you, trust me babe"

"I do trust you" I smile over at her, "I love you too"

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