Part 68

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(Little Time Jump)

It's been two months now since Lizzie wrapped up filming Sorry For Your Loss. We've been spending a lot more time together since she's been home more and she gets to spend more quality time with Mason too while I'm at work. Tonight is the premier of Avengers Endgame, I stand in our room staring at my dress. "Babe?" Lizzie walks into the room in her beautiful dress, "Are you ok? Why aren't you dressed?"

"Are you sure you want me to go to the premier with you? I don't know if I'm.. fit for this" I laugh awkwardly as Lizzie sighs, she walks over to me pulling me into a hug.

"Y/n honey, I would love nothing more than you to come with me to the premier!" She kisses me grabbing my shoulders then smiles. "You'll be fine, I'll be there the whole time! Scarlett will be there too and Tom and everyone. I know you've wanted to see this movie as much as I do"

"You think I'll be fine?" I frown as she chuckles grabbing my face.

"I think you'll be perfectly fine beautiful, now get dressed we have to go. You already did your hair and makeup" She smiles kissing me again.

"Ok princess" I take a deep breathe and take my clothes off. I slip my dress on and walk into the bathroom to check my hair and makeup. Then I walk back out to Lizzie grabbing her hands, "I'm ready my love"

"Great, let's head out love" She kisses my nose and pulls me out of the room. We hurry to the premier and get out of the car. Once we are out of the car we are immediately met with flashes of cameras. My anxiety rises until I feel Lizzies hand in mine giving it a little squeeze, "You're doing great beautiful, keep going"

We get to the red carpet but I stop as Lizzie keeps going. She looks back at me then has to pose for pictures as the paparazzi and camera people yell for her. "Miss Olsen over here!"


"Elizabeth here!"

Lizzie looks over at me holding out her hand, "Come here" She mouths to me. I freeze watching her motion me over. I shake my head as she continues to motion for me to come over. "Babe" She quickly walks over grabbing my hand, "Love let's walk the red carpet"

"No wait Im not in the movie!"

"But you're my girlfriend so they can deal with it if anyone has a problem" She gives me a quick kiss then pulls me onto the walkway.

"It's Elizabeth's girlfriend Y/n!" I hear a man yell.

"Look here Miss Olsen, Miss Y/l/n!" I begin hearing me and Lizzies names being yelled at us making my anxiety spike.

"Just keep smiling, we're halfway there" I hear Lizzie say to me through her teeth.

"I don't know how much more I can take of this" I smile talking through my teeth back to her.

"Almost done"

"Give her a kiss!" Someone yells. I look at Lizzie who's looking back at me smiling. I turn to face her grabbing her hips pulling her to me. Lizzie giggles resting her arms around my neck and kisses me softly.

"I love you"

"I love you too. I think this kiss made my anxiety disap-" I start before getting yelled at again.

"Over here you two!"

"And there it is again" Lizzie chuckles as I turn to smile for another picture when she kisses my cheek.

"We are at the end of the way" She smiles wrapping her arms around my forearm. "Now I have little interviews"

"I'll stay away for that, I'll stand a little bit away" I smile kissing her cheek.

"You can stand with me you know" She bumps me playfully.

"It's ok love, this isn't about me. It's about you and all of the other cast" I place my hand softly on her cheek and give her a kiss. "I love you now go do some little interviews"

"I love you too" She kisses me again and begin watching her talk to multiple people.

Before we go into the theater I feel arms wrap around me from behind. "Huh?"

"Hi Y/n!" I see Scarlett smiling at me.

"Hey!" I turn around giving her a big hug. "It's Good to see you!"

"It's good to see you too! You and Lizzie want to sit with me while we watch Endgame?" She smiles holding my hands. I look over at Lizzie who's finishing up talking And turn back to Scarlett.

"Sure I don't see why not" I smile as Lizzie walks over to us.

"Hi Lizzie!"

"Scarlett hi!" Lizzie smiles bringing Scarlett in for a hug.

"She was just wondering if we want to sit with her" I give Lizzie a kiss as she attaches back to my hip.

"Oh, we'd love to sit with you Scar!" Lizzie smiles wrapping her arms around me kissing my cheek.

"Then let's head inside!" She motions us to follow her. Once we sit down and situated Scarlett hands me a pack of tissues. "You're gonna need these"

"Wait why?" I ask but she shushes me, "Oh great" as the movie went on I opened the tissues ready for anything. By the end of the movie I had finished the whole pack, "Scarlett!" I cry

"I know" I get up pulling her into a hug.

"You can't be done! I love Natasha!" I cry as she pats my back.

"It'll be in Y/n I promise" She chuckles, "Now let's get going"

I sniffle nodding as Lizzie takes my hands smiling, "I'm glad you're back babe, I would've been absolutely devastated if you didn't come back either"

"I know love" She gives me a kiss, "Come on, Scarlett can come hangout with us too"

"Sure sounds fun! Let's get our drink on" Scarlett cheers making me and Lizzie laugh. We leave and finally get back home with Scarlett arriving a few minutes late for drinks.

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