Part 15

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I woke up the next morning seeing Lizzie laying peacefully asleep next to me. I get up out of the bed slowly not to wake her then go downstairs to the kitchen. I begin cooking breakfast and start singing along to Dear Evan Hansen's Waving Through A Window. "When you're falling in a forest and there's nobody around
Do you ever really crash, or even make a sound?
When you're falling in a forest and there's nobody around
Do you ever really crash, or even make a sound?
When you're falling in a forest and there's nobody around
Do you ever really crash, or even make a sound?
When you're falling in a forest and there's nobody around
Do you ever really crash, or even make a sound?
Did I even make a sound?
Did I even make a sound?
It's like I never made a sound
Will I ever make a sound?"

I stop taking a bite of bacon when I hear clapping startling me. I spun around quickly seeing Lizzie walking to me. "You're really good at singing babe!" I look down awkwardly beginning to feel embarrassed.

"I uh.. didn't know you were awake yet." I keep looking down at my feet. "Im a little embarrassed... I hope I didn't wake you."

She walks up to me and puts her pointer finger under my chin and makes me look up at her. Lizzie smiles softly at me, "Don't be embarrassed! You're really good, and no you didn't wake me. I didn't hear you till I started down here."

"I'm not that good." She rolls her eyes and presses her lips softly onto mine.

"Don't sell yourself short Y/n. You're really good! You could totally become a famous singer!" She wraps her arms around my neck.

"What?? No no! I couldn't, I.. I'm fine with just working with Robin... and being with you." I look down at my feet.

"Oh babe no I wasn't saying you had too! Sorry if that's what it seemed like.." She says softly as I look up at her.

I shake my head bringing her closer to me, "No I know you weren't babe! It's just when I was younger I did want to be a singer..." I frown as my words trail off.

"What happened?" She asks as I watch her eyes scan my face.

"Um.. I just got bullied and told my voice didn't sound good. That I would never make it even if I tried.. there was only a few people who actually thought I sounded good and tried reassuring me. Which was Robin, my parents, my little brother, Robins older brother and... someone." I look away at the last part looking towards the food sitting on two plates.

"First off.." She grabs my face softly having me look at her. She cups my face in her hands, "I'm assuming the someone is Danny?" I nod slowly. Lizzie puts her forehead on mine closing her eyes, "Y/n I'm so sorry.. you sing amazingly. And you don't have to be a singer! But." She moves her head back looking into my eyes. "I want you to know that you are an amazing singer, and no I'm not just saying that because you're my girlfriend!"

I chuckle, "How'd you know I was gonna say that?"

"Because I know you." She laughs, "But really babe, don't be embarrassed! If you want to sing then you sing your beautiful heart out you hear me?"

"You.. want to hear me sing?" I ask looking into her eyes.

"I would love to keep hearing you sing, and I want you to be comfortable with your singing around people again. So whenever you want to sing, then you sing." I take a deep breath pulling her closer to me and press my lips onto hers. I lift her up not breaking the kiss making her giggle against my lips.

"What are you doing!?" She laughs as I spin her around.

"How are you so amazing?" I sit her on the counter as she wraps her legs around my hips.

She giggles grabbing a piece of bacon and taking a bite. "What do you mean babe?"

"Don't give me that! You just made me feel so much better, so how are you so amazing?" I smile taking a bite of the eggs I made.

"I'm just speaking the truth babe, and I don't want you to be afraid or embarrassed to sing in front of me or anyone!" I smile pulling her a little closer kissing her passionately. She pulls me to her with her legs grabbing my face deepening the kiss. "We should really eat the foods getting cold.." Lizzie breathes heavily against my lips.

I groan then press my lips onto hers again. "But I'm enjoying kissing my beautiful girlfriend"

"So am I, but we also both have work!" She smiles against my lips.

"Actually I don't have work today, I was supposed to but not anymore." I smile as she sits quietly, I scan her face it looks like she wants to ask me something. "What is it? You know you can ask me anything right?"

She nods looking shyly to the side, "I was wondering... maybe since you don't have work today.. you could maybe come to set with me?"

My eyes widen, "What?? You want me to come to the set with you?! But isn't that not aloud?"

"It's fine, how about this so neither of us get in trouble you stay in my trailer until I get the ok for you to come on set?" Lizzie says tucking my hair behind my ears.

"Ok ok I'll come but I don't want any spoilers! Wait.. it's for the new Avengers right? Didn't you die in the last one? Or Wanda I mean." I furrow my brows at her.

"Sh I'm not telling you anything!" She presses her nose against mine giggling.

"Wait but-"

"No! No asking questions, don't think about it ok? You don't want any spoilers!" She kisses my nose softly.

"Fine ok you're right. I'm just gonna assume you're in a flashback or something." I wrap my arms around her pulling her closer to me.

"Ok babe, now I should get ready. You should go home and get changed too!" She quickly pecks my lips.

"I don't know how to get to the set.." I look down at her lap.

Lizzie chuckles bringing my face back to hers and smiles. "Well then I will swing by and pick you up! Then we can go together! So what do you say? You want to come to work with me?"

I grab her thighs kissing her passionately, "I'd love to go to work with you. You go get ready and I'll clean this up!"

She shakes her head no, "No you go home and get dressed. I'll change and clean up!" I try to object but she hops off the counter bringing me in and kissing me. "No buts! Come on I'll walk you out."

"Ok fine, no buts" She kisses my cheeks as I grab her hand smiling. We walk out to my car together, I pull her into a hug once we get to my car. "I'll see you soon then babe!"

"I'm looking forward to it! I'll text you when I'm on my way." She gives me a quick kiss and smiles.

"Sounds good!" I open my car door and get in. I blow her a kiss out the window then drive off back to my apartment.

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