Part 62

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I wake up to a sharp pain in my side, "Ow shit" I groan in pain holding my side as Lizzie walks into the room.

"Babe are you ok?" She walks over to my side of the bed.

"I-I'm fine" I smile trying to play off the pain in my side. She furrows her brows at me, "What?"

"Don't you lie to me Y/n" She glares at me tilting her head to the side.

"Ok ok don't do your scary head tilt! I.. I have pain in my side right now.. it hurt me so much it woke me up" I sigh laying my head back down onto my pillow.

"Let's get you to the hospital then babe!" Lizzie takes the covers off of me as I shake my head.

"Maybe I just need some Advil or something" I groan trying to grab the sheets but Lizzie grabs my hands.

"No! What if it's something bad! You promised babe" She frowns as her eyes start tearing up.

"Ok ok I'll go to the hospital don't cry please" I sit up grabbing her face ignoring the pain shooting throughout my body. "Call Tom and we will go to the hospital ok? You're right I did promise you" I kiss her softly and smile.

"Ok I'll call Tom real quick!" She kisses me again then calls Tom telling him what's happening. She hangs up and sits down on the bed, "Ok he's on his way to help"

"Ok.. are your sisters still here?" I sit back grunting in pain.

"No they had to leave, our mom called and asked them to come see her" She sighs grabbing my hand.

"Did she ask for you too?" I query.

"Yea.." Lizzie starts rubbing the back of my hand. "But I said I can't because I had to make sure you're ok"

"I'm sorry babe." I sigh looking away from Lizzie.

"Why are you sorry?" She asks squeezing my hand.

"I took you away from you and your mom.. I know you haven't seen her in awhile.." I frown, Lizzie puts her hand on my cheek moving my head to look at her.

"Babe stop it, we are gonna see her in a few days at dinner ok? I already talked it out with her and everything. Let's just worry about you getting to the hospital" She smiles and kisses my nose.

"I love you" I rest my forehead on hers, "why are you so amazing?"

Lizzie giggles and rolls her eyes, "I love you too but I'm not that amazing silly"

"Yes you are!" I roll my eyes and kiss her lips softly.

"You're the amazing one! You're so amazing, and I find myself falling more and more in love with you every day. I didn't think that was possible!" She squished my face making me laugh.

"Funny because I find myself doing the exact same thing with you" I grab her arms smiling and kiss her lovingly. "So I have to go to the hospital?" I laugh.

"Yes you do" She kisses my cheek as her phone goes off. "It's Tom he's here, I'll go let him in" She blows me a kiss and walks out of the room.

A few minutes later Lizzie walks back in with Tom behind her. "Do you think you can get up fine by yourself Y/n?"

"I think so" I slowly move my legs off the side of the bed. I take a deep breathe and stand up on my feet stumbling forward. Tom and Lizzie both grab my arms to keep me up on my feet. "I'm fine it's ok"

"Let's get you out to the car ok?" Lizzie says wrapping her arms around mine.

"Shouldn't I get dressed first?" I laugh as Tom starts getting nervous.

"Oh yea right I'll leave the room!" With that he quickly leaves the room shutting the door behind him.

"Here I'll help you babe" Lizzie says grabbing some clothes of mine I left here.

"I can get changed by myself princess" I laugh as she starts pulling down my pants. "Babe stop it!" I laugh as she then starts trying to make me put my bottoms on, "I'm not a little kid you know"

"I know but I'm helping you remember?" She laughs.

"You're not gonna let me change by myself are you?" She shakes her head no, I sigh giving in to her help. She pulls my pants up and then takes off my shirt. She starts to put my shirt on when I laugh and stop her, "Bra first my love"

"Oh right!" She laughs awkwardly as her face turns red. She puts my bra on my and I can feel her fumbling to hook my bra.

"You ok back there horndog?" I tease as she hooks the bra finally.

"Sh-Shut up! I'm not doing anything" She mumbles the last bit as she comes back in front of me.

I smile as he face turns bright red, "We could stay and have fun babe" I tease her more making her face redder.

"You can put the shirt on by yourself" She huffs throwing the shirt at me as I laugh.

"Good I'll show you I can clothe myself" I give her a quick kiss and put my shirt on. "Tada! All done"

"Tom you can come in now" Lizzie sighs as the door opens. I pull her closer to me kissing her, "Babe!"

"What?" I giggle as she rolls her eyes at me.

"Ok you two stop it and let's get you to the hospital" Tom groans grabbing my arm.

"Alright fine, come on babe" I hold out my other arm for Lizzie to take. She smiles taking my arm and we start walking carefully down the stairs as the both of them still hold onto me. "Oh yea when we get in the car I should call my mom and let her know what's going on."

"Crap you're right! Tell her not to tell Mason, we shouldn't worry him" Lizzie suggests as we walk out the front door.

"Good point, I'll tell her" Lizzie locks the front door and the two lead me to her car. They help me in and then drive off the the hospital while I called my mom.

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