Part 91

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(One Month Later)

Its been a month since Scarlett broke it off officially with Colin. I've visited Lizzie a few more times since and Robin has been acting weird the past few days. Her and Scarlett went on a date last night and Scarlett didn't come home so Im not sure what happened. "Y/N!!!" Scarlett yells as I hear footsteps approaching the kitchen.

"Whoa hey where's the fire??" I put my hands out as Scarlett and Robin skid to a stop. "Is something wrong? What happened?"

"Well last night.." Robin starts

(Last night)
Robin's POV:
"Ive had fun tonight Robin.. I can't believe it's been a month since I broke it off with Colin." Scarlett sighs as we walk through to park that's lit up with hanging lights.

"Me too, I don't want this night to end" I smile taking Scarlett's hand in mine. God I'm so nervous.

"Are you ok? You're sweating. Are you feeling ok?" She stops us and puts her hand on my forehead.

"I feel fine, thank you. Um.. I'm just nervous" I chuckles nervously.

"Nervous? Why are you nervous? We've been on plenty of dates before silly" She giggles grabbing my other hand in hers.

"I like you a lot. And I don't want to ruin anything or mess anything up" I take a deep breathe as she looks at me confused. "I never thought I'd be on a date with you or any actor slash actress. But I'm glad that I'm here with you, and I have a very important question to ask you"

"I think you'll like my answer to your question" She smiles taking a step closer to me.

"Scarlett.. will you be my girlfriend?" I gulp as Scarlett takes her hands from mine and places them on the sides of my face.

"Of course I'll be your girlfriend!" She pulls me closer smashing her lips onto mine. I wrap my arms around her waist tightly.

Y/N's POV:
I gasp as the two are now looking at each other and holding hands, "Oh my god! Congrats you two! I'm so happy for you both!" I run over tackling them both into a big hug. "I love you both so much!"

"Thank you and we love you too Y/n!" Scarlett giggles as we all get back up.

"Mommy you're home!" Rose runs over to Scarlett jumping into her arms.

"Morning baby!" Scarlett smiles kissing her cheek as Mason runs over to me.

"Morning mommy" He smiles and opens his arms for me to pick him up.

"Good morning my little Prince" I chuckle picking him up and kiss his cheek. "Did we wake you kids?"

"No, but we heard talking so we came to see what's going on" He giggles now wanting down.

"Well since we are all here why don't I make us breakfast?" I offer as the kids cheer.

"Can I help you cook mommy?" Mason smiles widely at me clasping his hands together.

"Me too me too!" Rose wiggles out of Scarlett's arms and runs over next to Mason.

"I don't see why not, I can use a few extra hands" I laugh ruffling their hair as they cheer.

"We will be in the living room then. I need to talk to you actually babe" Robin smiles at Scarlett grabbing her hand. She nods and follows Robin into the living room. I shrug it off and start preparing to cook. I have the kids help mix the eggs together and pour it in the pan. Once I finish breakfast I have the kids set the table and go to get Scarlett and Robin. "You know you can get you and Rose a place now."

"I know I can. It's kinda nice living here though. Rose and Mason get to hangout and play together. And I've gotten to spend a lot of time with Y/n. I know she's been getting lonely without Lizzie here... but still."

"You're sweet babe, I didn't mean you should move out or anything"

"No I know it's ok. Maybe when Lizzie's back I'll move but for now I think I'll stay. Besides I think Rose likes it here just as much as I do"

I take a deep breathe and continue into the living room, "Hey lovebirds breakfast is ready"

"Coming!" They say in unison as well as stand up in unison.

I follow them into the kitchen looking at my empty seat. Then I look at where Lizzie usually sits and sigh, "You guys eat i um.. im gonna go upstairs for a minute." I quickly jog upstairs to my room shutting the door. I take long deep breathe as I call Lizzie. The phone rings and rings but no answer, "Shit she must be on set already.." I sadly open my phone looking at a picture of me and Lizzie.

"Y/n? Are you ok?" Robin walks over sitting next to me.

"I just.. miss her. I know I just saw her but it's been almost two weeks again.." I click off my phone and put it on the bed. Robin sighs wrapping her arm around my back pulling my to her.

"It doesn't matter how long it's been. We all miss her too, it's ok to miss her. Hey she's almost done filming then she'll be right back here in your arms again!" Robin hugs me tightly making me grunt and laugh a little.

"You have a point.." I sigh leaning my head on her shoulder.

"Now why don't you come back down and eat with us?" She pushes me off a little smiling so I'm face to face with her.

"Ok yea. I am pretty hungry" We both laugh as she rolls her eyes at me. We stand up to leave when my phone starts ringing. My face lights up as I see Lizzie's contact name on my screen. "Hi baby!"

"Hi! I'm so sorry I didn't answer! Is everything ok?? I saw you called and ran to my trailer."

"No you're fine princess, I'm good I promise I just.. wanted to hear your voice. I miss you so much" I smile while Robin mouths that she'll meet me downstairs.

"I miss you too beautiful! I'm glad you're ok, but are you sure you're good?"

"I'm sure. I'm sorry I bothered you my love"

"No you're not bothering me! Actually I'm glad you called even if I missed it. I've been missing you a lot today too!" She pauses and then groans. "I'm sorry baby I have to go back to set! I'll call you on my lunch ok?"

"It's ok I understand. I'm glad I got to hear your voice. I love you! I hope you have a great day at work"

"Thank you baby I love you too, I hope you have a great day too! Bye"

"Bye princess" With that she hangs up so I go back downstairs to eat with everyone.

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