Part 80

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I'm back home now, it's been another week since I've seen Lizzie but it's ok. I've had Tom over a few times and Scarlett comes to hangout with me a lot. Ever since Colin told her he wanted to go on a break when we got back from Atlanta. Today Robins here with me and Mason, Scarlett's on her way too. "Aw what you beat me again!" Robin sighs in frustration loosing to Mason in Smash again.

"You're getting your butt kicked by my 6 year old? Damn" I laugh as she punches me in the arm.

"You're lucky you're cute Mason!" She ruffles his hair as he laughs.

"He is my kid" I shrug, Robin looks at me and rolls her eyes at me. "What? It's true" As they start up another round theres a knock at the front door. "I got it" I kiss Masons head walking past him and walk over to the front door. "Hey Scar!"

"Hey Y/n!" She quickly pulls me into a hug. "Hi Robin! Hi Mason!" Scarlett walks in seeing the two of them playing the Switch.

"Hi Scarlett" Robin says still focused on the tv.

"You can call me Scar you know?" She giggles, Robin turns around looking at Scarlett. I swear I see a slight blush form on her cheeks before she turns back around.

"Hi Scarlett! I'm beating Auntie Robin at Super Smash Bros" He brags making me laugh as I sit next to him.

"He really is my kid" I put my arm around him and kiss his cheek.

"Hey maybe I'm letting you win" She sticks her tongue out at him.

"Ok auntie Robin" He giggles.

"Oh can I try and play?" Scarlett asks sitting next to Robin as the round ends.

"O-Oh sure! Heh here you can use my controller" Robin sounds nervous as she hands the controller to Scarlett.

"Aw I have to play against the champ over there?" Scarlett whines, "Alright well go easy on me you hear Mason?"

"Ok I will!" He giggles as she smiles over at him. We watch them play for a bit, I look over at Robin occasionally who seems tense. "Wait you beat me!?" Mason looks at Scarlett who pulls him into a hug.

"Sorry bud I play with my daughter Rose all the time" She laughs kissing his head.

"Can we watch a movie?" Mason looks over at me smiling widely.

"Of course why don't you pick one?" I smile.

"Yay! Can you come with me Scarlett? I want to show you something!" Mason gets up pulling Scarlett by her hand.

"Sure bub" She laughs getting up and following him upstairs.

I look at Robin who's watching them walk upstairs. I raise an eyebrow at her and scoot over towards her, "You're staring Robin"

Her body tenses up and she quickly turns back towards me, "What!? I don't know what you're talking about!" She begins laughing nervously.

"What's your deal? You've been kinda awkward since Scar got here. Are you ok?" I scan her face as she sighs sitting back.

"I don't know Y/n." She groans putting her hands on her face.

"You don't like.. have a thing for Scarlett do you? Aren't you straight?" I query. Robin looks over at me wide eyed and blush filled cheeks. "Oh. My. GOD! You have a thing for her!" I whisper scream as she shushes me.

"Shut up Y/n! I don't know what you're talking about. I am straight..." She turns away from me huffing.

"Robin come on. You can tell me! I'm your best friend" I put my hand on hers making her look over at me sadly.

"I think I do have a thing for Scarlett.." She sighs.

"When did you start.. noticing this?" I question her. This is extremely surprising.

"I don't know. We.. god ok. So you remember when you went to get Mason from your parents the other day? And you left me and Scarlett alone?" I nod quietly furrowing my brows at her. Where's this going? "Well.. when we were waiting Colin called her and said he wanted to take a break as you know." I nod again still confused on where this is going. "Well she walked back into the room and.. she started crying. So I offered her some comfort. She clung to my shirt and cried into my chest as I held her. I don't know why but when she pulled back and started into my eyes and thanked me... it made my heart flutter." She explains as my jaw hits the floor.

"Mommy!" Mason comes running down before I could respond to the information just given to me.

I look at Scarlett and Mason as the walk towards us, "You're gonna catch flies Y/l/n" Scarlett laughs sitting in between me and Robin. "What?"

"N-Nothing! Nothing at all" I laugh nervously rubbing the back of my neck.

"Weirdo" She laughs and turns to Robin putting her hand on her thigh. "You've been awfully quiet Robin are you ok?" I smile widely looking at her as she starts to panic. I watch her cheeks start to turn red and try holding back my giggles. "Are you feeling ok?" Scarlett presses the back of her hand to Robins cheek then her forehead. "Wow you're burning up! Are you feeling sick?"

"U-Uh yea! I think I'm gonna step outside for a minute. Get some fresh air." She stands up laughing awkwardly and leaves.

"Uh ok" Scarlett laughs a little and looks at me.

"I should make sure she's ok. You two can start the movie without us we'll be right back" I pat Scarlett's thigh smiling and get up following Robin outside. I find her in the backyard sitting at Lizzie little outside wooden table sitting down. "You ok out here?"

"What's happening to me?? I've hung out with Scar before! Now I can't have a conversation without stuttering and stumbling my words" She rests her elbows on the table and puts her head in her hands groaning.

I walk over and sit next to her, "Well I think this is you gay awakening Robin." I nudge her arm smiling as she looks over at me.

"But why now? What happened?"

"I'm not sure why now. You need to figure out these feelings girl, before Colin decides he's done with this break" I put my arm around her bringing her in for a hug.

"I know.. I'll try. But we should get back inside. We've been out here for a little and I'm ok now" She sits up straight and smiles.

"Ok come on" I smile back and get up, then the two of us go back inside to watch the movie.

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