Part 43

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Y/N's POV:

I'm awakened by Lizzie who's shifting next to me as she puts her cold hand on my forehead. "Jeez babe your hands are so cold." I laugh tiredly as she gasps sitting up and pulling her hand away.

"You scared me! I didn't know you were awake!" She slaps my arm as I sit up still laughing.

"Sorry I didn't mean to scare you princess." I grab her hand bringing it up to my lips. I give her a small kiss on the back of her hand and smile. "Thank you for taking care of me! I feel so much better today."

"You don't have to thank me beautiful, I know you'd do the same for me. Just like the other night when I was drunk" She leans forward ready to kiss me but then she pulls back.

"I'd do anything for you princess." I tilt my head to the side confused. "Why'd you pull back babe? I'm not sick anymore we can kiss now." Suddenly Lizzie throws her arms around my neck kissing me passionately. "Jeez I didn't know you wanted to kiss me that bad princess" She giggles pecking my lips over and over again. "Baby you have work today!"

"I know! But I wanna give you kisses first!" She tackles me back on the bed making me laugh. Lizzie begins kissing me all over my face, "I love you"

"I love you too, sadly you have to go to work today! And you kinda stink" I plug my nose smiling as she looks at me offended.

"Well if that's the case you're not joining me then!" She slaps my arm and gets up grabbing some clothes she had left here before.

"Wait I'm sorry!" I jump up out of bed and wrap my arms around her.

"Too late I made up my mind" She turns around in my arms smiling. I pull her closer kissing her passionately as I lift her in the air. "Now who's the horndog?"

"Hey you put the idea in my head princess" I stick my tongue out at her laughing.

"Well I actually do have to shower and get to work." She smiles giving me a peck on the lips.

"Ok, Ryan gave me the day off so I'll be here." I shrug letting go of her.

"He did?" She looks at me confused.

"He said just in case I'm still sick he'll give me another recovery day." I smile pulling her closer. "You should go shower I don't want you to be late!" I kiss her nose and push her towards the bathroom. "I'll make you a coffee for the road."

"You're so sweet thank you baby!" She gives me a quick kiss then closes the door to the bathroom. I walk into the kitchen and make her a to go cup of coffee. She walks out with her hair mostly dry and immediately gives me a big kiss. "I love you I'll see you either later or tomorrow!"

"I love you too! Don't worry if you can't come tonight, I'm glad you took care of me yesterday. Thank you for that again" I smile handing her the cup of coffee and give her kiss as we walk to the door.

"It's not a problem babe, I'll always take care of you" She kisses me as I open the door, "I'll see you later babe"

"See you later beautiful" I watch her quickly run to the elevator and wave bye to me as the elevator door opens. I walk over to my voice and sit down turning the tv on and going on my phone.


Lizzie's POV:

I've been at work for hours and I just want to go home I'm so exhausted. I sit in my trailer texting Y/n who hasn't answered me in awhile. I go to call her when Scarlett's name pops up on my screen. "Hey Scarlett what's up?"

"Have you heard from Y/n!?" She sounds panicked.

"No actually she stopped texting me awhile ago. I was about to call her, why? What's wrong?"

"You haven't seen!? Everyone's been hating on Y/n! It's all over social media, they're going on her Instagram and commenting shit on her posts!" Oh fuck.

"Do you think she's seen it and that's why she isn't answering!?" I feel my anxiety start to rise. She's not use to hate this could be bad.

"I don't know maybe but I've been calling and texting her she won't answer! I've told the public that she's strictly my friend but people are still hating on her. I'm so sorry"

"Shit. Ok I'm gonna call Robin and her mom! I'll let you know if I find her. Don't apologize it's not your fault."

"Ok thank you please tell me. Bye"

"Bye" I hang up and immediately call Robin. After a few rings she answers, "Robin!"

"Hey what's up?"

"Where's Y/n!?"

"At home I'm assuming, I just got on my last break of the day why?"

"She's been getting hate all day and she's not answering anyone! I'm worried, she's never had to deal with this before.."

"Poor Y/n... call her mom she might be with them"

"Ok I'll call them thank you."

"Tell me if she is I'll head over after work."

"Ok I will!"

"Thank you bye"

"Bye!" I hang up and call Y/n's mom who answered almost immediately.

"Lizzie honey! Are you calling about Y/n?" Her mom asks.

"Yes! Do you know where she is?"

"My poor baby's been in Masons room with him crying..." Her mom says softly as I feel my heart tighten. Oh Y/n...

"I'm coming over now! I'll tell them I'm not feeling good!"

"Oh honey you don't need to leave if they need you at work"

"It's ok the work days almost over anyway! I'll see you soon."

"Ok honey if you say so, see you in a bit."

I hang up and run to tell my director I'm not feeling good. They let me go home earlier so I grab my bag and lock up my trailer then quickly drive off to Y/n's parents house. On the way to their house I text Scarlett and Robin telling them where Y/n is then continue driving to the house.

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