Part 64

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I lay in bed at Lizzies with Mason playing on his tablet next to me. At this point I'm real tired of this bed, Lizzie has me on bed arrest. It's been two days and I'm already sick of it. I look at Mason as I slowly try and get up but he drops his tablet and looks over at me. "Mommy Lizzie told you to stay in bed!"

"Hey you're supposed to be on my side! I wanna walk around some bubba, I'll be back in bed before she knows it!" I kiss his forehead and get up from the bed, I walk over to the door.

"Stop right there babe" Lizzie quickly walks up to me and pushes my back into the room.

"Babe please I don't wanna be in here, I just want to walk around the house a bit" I groan as she pushes me softly onto the bed.

"I don't want anything to happen" She huffs.

"In the house?" I query.

"You never know! You could... you fall down the stairs" She points out the door towards her stairs.

I smile standing up and grab her by the waist, "Then my beautiful amazing girlfriend can safely escort me down the stairs" I give her a quick kiss, "Please princess I just want to walk around a bit, maybe go check out your garden outside. I need some fresh air you know"

Lizzie sighs, "Ok you're right. Im just worried about you still"

"There's nothing to be worried about princess! Im fine remember" I pull her closer to me resting my forehead on hers. "I appreciate you and everything you're doing for me babe. But I promise I'm ok"

"Ok.. I believe you of course. But I'm still holding onto you down the stairs" She kisses me then wraps her arms around my arm.

"Good, I never want you to let me go" I chuckle as I lean over giving her another kiss.

"You gonna stay up here buddy?" She looks over at Mason who looks up from his tablet.

"Yea I'm gonna watch cocomelon" He smiles and goes back to watching YouTube on his tablet.

"Ok bubba we'll be right back" Lizzie holds my arm tight as we we walk out of the room to the stairs. We walk down the stairs, once we get down Lizzie let's go of my arm and grabs my hand instead.

"You want to go outside and get some fresh air then my love?" She stops in front of me with a big smile on her face.

"Yes please princess" I smile as she grabs my shoulder with her free hand and gives me a kiss.

"Then to the backyard we go!" Lizzie pulls me towards the back door making me laugh. We get outside and she starts showing me her garden, I always think it's so cute when she does this. She gets so happy, "Babe are you listening to me?"

"Huh? Sorry I was thinking about you and how cute you are when you show me your garden" I smile holding out my hands, she walks over chuckling and grabs my hands.

"You're a dork my love" She laughs now wrapping her arms around my neck.

"Yea well I'm your dork princess" I grab her hips and pull her closer kissing her passionately.

"I love you my beautiful dork" She giggles against my lips.

"I love you too horndog" I tease, she gasps and slaps my arm as I laugh. "I'm kidding! Kinda" She slaps me again as I continue laughing.

"You just had to ruin the moment with that little remark" She huffs.

"Am I wrong love?" I query with a smirk.

"I'm not answering that" I smirk wrapping my arms around her from behind and lifting her up. "Babe what are you doing!?" I laugh  and start spinning her around earning her beautiful laughter. "Put me down!"

"Fine fine" I put her down and spin her around to face me. I grab her face smashing my lips passionately onto hers. "Let's go back inside" I smirk against her lips noticing her cheeks start turning red.

"Y-Yea let's do that" She stutters walking towards the door as I chuckle.

I follow her back inside when there's a knock at the front door. "I'll get it" I kiss her cheek then walk over to the front door and open it. "Robbie!? What the hell do you want? Haven't you done enough damage?" I go to shut the door but he stops me.

"No please don't slam the door in my face! I need to talk to you" He pleas.

"Love who's at the door?" Lizzie walks up from behind me. "Robbie!?"

"Hi. Y/n I am so sorry for what I did. I was super drunk and I'm as you saw very aggressive when I'm drunk and angry." He starts.

"I'm glad you hit me and not Lizzie or the twins" I cross my arms taking a deep breathe.

"I shouldn't have hit you either and I'm sorry. I didn't know what I was doing, I was fucked up. I can barely remember that night. When I realized what I had done I had to come and apologize." He looks down at his feet sighing.

"You didn't just hit me. You practically beat the shit outta me. I don't know how you didn't break one of my ribs" I growl glaring at him.

"I know I'm sorry! I'm not asking for forgiveness, I just want you to know that I am really truly sorry for what I did. And no one made me apologize, this is me I wanted to apologize" He takes a step back. "I'm sorry for bothering you, I won't bother you again."

"I... I accept your apology. But I'm not forgiving you for what you did. And if you're worried about me pressing charges or telling the world. Then don't worry I won't, but if you ever do that again or if you ever try and fuck with me or Lizzie or anyone in my life. Then the whole world will know how you beat the shit out of me!" I warn him. "Do I make myself clear?"

He nods wide eyed, "Yes very clear! I understand, thank you for not saying anything. I won't bother you or her anymore."

"Good. Now please leave, I have to check on my son" I grab the door to shut it.

"Ok- wait son?" With that I shut the door on his face and lock it.

Lizzie grabs my face kissing me, "Are you ok?"

"What? Yea I'm fine silly, thank you for checking though" I smile giving her a quick kiss. "Now we really should get back upstairs"

"You do that I'm gonna cook us some lunch" She smiles and starts towards the kitchen.

"I can help you" I quickly walk up next to her.

"No you go upstairs and rest, we'll have to start packing your apartment tomorrow remember?" She turns around stopping me.

"Oh right, ok fine but I'm making lunch tomorrow" I pull her closer to me.

"Deal" Lizzie kisses me then pushes me softly towards the stairs.

"No need to push I'm going!" I laugh walking upstairs as she giggles.

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