Part 2

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The next morning I wake up remembering why I'm asleep on the couch. I sit up stretching and decide to quietly go check on Lizzie. I peak into the room to see her back turned to me sleeping. I smile and walk into the kitchen when there's a knock at the door. So I walk over to the door and open it to see my best friend Robin. "Robin!? What are you doing here??"

"You didn't answer my texts last night I came to see if you're doing ok! Did you sulk in here all day?" Robin crosses her arms shifting her weight to her right leg.

"No i went out drinking then came home and slept." I roll my eyes as Robin squints her eyes at me.

Robin looks inside and sees the pillow and blanket on my couch, "Did someone sleep on your couch last night?"

My eyes widen as I turn to the couch then back to Robin, "Um I did! I fell asleep on the couch."

She looks at me confused, "Why exactly did you fall asleep on the couch?" Suddenly a door closes, "Did a door just close!?"

That means Lizzie's awake, "Uhm yea must've been the wind or air conditioning or something." My eyes widen again as the toilet flushes and I hear the sink turn on.

"Someone's definitely here! Who is it!? Did you have a one night stand!?" Robin grabs my shoulders and starts shaking me back and forth.

"No no no! It wasn't a one night stand! But you need to leave ok? I'll talk to you later!" I heard the bathroom door open so I begin pushing Robin out.

"Hey Y/n? Are you awake?" Lizzie walks around the corner to see me pushing Robin out the door. Both our heads snap to her. "Oh hi there"

"You.. You're Elizabeth Olsen! And you're in my best friends apartment!?" I shush her and pull her into the apartment quickly shutting the door behind her.

"Yes this is Lizzie, Lizzie this is my best friend Robin." I sigh running my hand through my hair.

"Hi it's nice to meet you Robin" Lizzie smiles as Robin is freaking out.

"It's nice to meet you too!! What are you doing in Y/n's apartment? And are those your clothes Y/n??" Robin looks from me to Lizzie multiple times making Lizzie giggle.

"We met last night at the bar, she asked if she could stay here and I said yes. I gave her some clothes and let her sleep in my bed. That's it." I glare at Robin before she starts making assumptions.

"Thank you for letting me stay Y/n, I should probably get home now." I quickly turn to Lizzie smiling,

"It's no problem and oh right of course." I smile as she walks into my room. So I turn back to Robin who's smiling at me, "What? Why are you looking at me like that?"

"No reason~" She winks at me as I give her a weird look and turn to see Lizzie walking back over in her clothes.

"Let me see your phone." She holds out her hand with a determined look on her face.

"Oh uh ok? Here." I walk to the couch grabbing my phone then walk back to Lizzie. I hand her my phone and she starts putting in her number and hands it back to me.

"Text me, we can meet up again. Maybe for coffee or something." She says with a bog smile on her face.

"Really?? You want to hangout again?" I ask surprised and wide eyed.

"Yea! It was fun last night! I'll see you soon, text me ok?" She pulls me into a tight hug.

"I'll definitely text you!" I hug her tightly then let go. She places her hands on my shoulders and kisses my cheeks making them turn red.

"See you later. Bye Robin it was nice meeting you." She smiles walking towards the door.

"Nice meeting you too Lizzie!" Robin smiles widely as Lizzie leaves with a little wave.

Robin looks back at me with a smile, "What now? What's that look for?" I cross my arms as she raises an eyebrow at me.

"I didn't know you were into girls too Y/n." She smirks leaning against the wall.

"Wh-What?? What are you on about Robin?" I huff as she walks over to me. She nudges me playfully then walks past me.

"You know what I'm going on about! You're totally crushing on Lizzie." She turns around smiling then walks into the kitchen.

"What!?" I follow her into the kitchen as she opens my fridge. "A crush on her!? I've known her for like 12 hours! You're delusional."

Robin turns to me rolling her eyes, "Well if you don't now, you're going to very soon. I know you Y/n. We've been friends for a long time now." She pours herself a cup of water then takes a sip.

"I don't have one. And I'm not going to have one ok?" She laughs so I roll my eyes at her.

"You stay in denial then girl, you should text her and ask her about that date." Robin hops up on the counter.

"It's not a date! But I will text her to let her know it's me." I grab my phone from the counter and open messages.

"Hey Lizzie! It's Y/n! Text me when you're home safely :)"

"That seemed a little more then Hey it's Y/n." She says with a smirk as she raises her eyebrows.

"I told her to text me when she's home safely. So what?" Robin smiles tilting her head to the side. "Shut up." I walk out of the kitchen and sit on my couch.

She walks back in with a smug look on her face, "Hey I didn't say anything!" She sits next to me as my phone dings. I look at it and it's from Lizzie.

"Hey! Ok I will! Im free all this week also if you want to go grab that coffee!"

"I'd be honored to go get coffee with you miss Olsen."

"Shut up! Lol, just let me know when you're free."

"Ok I will!"

"You totally like her" I roll my eyes looking over at her.

"No I don't." I click my phone off and set it down on my little coffee table.

"Mhm. So then why were you smiling with that goofy smile of yours the whole time you were just texting her?" Robin nudges me raises her eyebrows repeatedly.

"Stop that. You know I just got out of a long relationship. And she's on a break from her relationship. We are just.. Friends? I don't know." I groan closing my eyes and leaning backwards on the couch.

"Want me to stop talking about it for now?" She ask turning on the tv.

"Yes please." I cross my arms pouting as she laughs.

"Ok ok. Let's just watch some tv for now and hangout. That sound good?" She smiles pointing the remote at the tv.

"Of course, you know I love hanging out with you! You're my best friend." I sit up smiling and turn my attention to the tv as we begin scrolling through the channels to watch something for awhile.

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