Part 16

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Once I get home I quickly change clothes, brush out my hair and brush my teeth. Lizzie texted me saying she's 5 minutes away so I decide to meet her outside. I lock up my apartment and leave my apartment building. As I stand and wait I get a call from Robin, "Hey bestie! How'd it go last night?"

"Hey Robin! Um good and bad.." I chuckle nervously.

"What do you mean good and bad?"

"Well Danny found Lizzies house and crashed the date. He proposed to me! Or tried to but I stopped him and talked him out of it."


"That's not all, I asked her to be my girlfriend and she said yes."

"Wooo!! I'm so happy for you!" She yells as I move the phone away from my ear.

I bring my phone back to my to my ear looking down at my sore hand. "Thanks Robin. But as I was kissing Lizzie her ex Robbie bursts into her house and was demanding they get back together. He kissed her and I punched him in the face."

"You punched him!? You!? You couldn't hurt a fly!"

"Yea well I probably broke his nose."

"I'm so proud of you!" She sniffles as I laugh.

"He also proposed to Lizzie and she said no and he left. Well that's the jest of what happened, I see Lizzie pulling up now." I smile and wave at her as she pulls up in the parking spot in front of me.

"You had a very eventful night jeez! Also she's pulling up? Where are you going?"

"I'm going to go to set with her." I walk towards her car.

"What!? Really!?"

"Yea, I'm a little nervous but excited!" I opened the door to her car. I climb in, "Hey babe!"

"Hi!" Lizzie leans over so I do the same and give her a quick kiss. "Who are you talking to?"

"It's Robin" I smile.

"Hi Lizzie!" Robin yells from the phone.

"She said hi Lizzie!" I laugh.

"Hi Robin!" Lizzie says beginning to drive away.

"Woo I got a hi! Ok well I have to get back to work so I'll let you go."

"Ok see you later! Bye!"

"Bye! Bye Lizzie!"

"Bye Robin!" Lizzie leans over a little then straightens back up. I hang up then I rest my hand on the middle part in between our seats. Lizzie looks over at me for a second then slips her hand into mine. I look over at her and smile holding her hand tightly. Once we get to set I tighten my grip on her hand, "Are you ok?"

"I don't know why but I'm getting more and more nervous." I nervously look over at her.

"Come on." She turns off the car and gets out walking over to my side. She opens the door as I unbuckle my seatbelt. Lizzie grabs my hands as I get out and closes to door then she pulls me into a big bear hug. "There's nothing to be nervous about! You've met everyone who's here other than like the director and stuff. And you'll be in my trailer with me unless you want to go see them film. I can have Scarlett pop in too!"

I hold her closer taking a deep breath and nuzzles my head into her shoulder, "Thank you babe. I don't know how you do it but you always know how to make me feel better."

"It's my secret power I guess." She scrunches up her nose, I smile feeling my cheeks get a little warmer.

I kiss her then let go of her, "Ok I think I'm ok now, let's head to your trailer!" Lizzie happily nods locking the car and then she grabs my hand and leads me to her trailer. We walk in and she leads me over to the couch and has me sit down.

"Ok I have to get changed and go to hair and makeup! So I'll be back, I'll see if Scarlett can come in and keep you company if you want?" She asks sitting next to me for a moment.

"Uh sure, only if she wants to. I don't want to feel like she's babysitting me or something." I chuckle nervously. Lizzie wraps her arms around the side of me and kisses my cheek making me blush slightly.

"Don't worry I bet she'd love to come in and hangout with you! I'll be back as soon as I can ok babe?" She tilts her head smiling.

"Ok babe, take your time. You have work to do, that I don't want to hear about! I don't want any spoilers!" She rolls her eyes and laughs, I give her a quick peck and smile. "But I do want to hear if your day has been good or not later on!"

"Ok silly" She kisses me again then gets up and walks to the trailer door opening it. She turns around giving me a little wave, "I'll be back soon!"

"Ok, bye babe!" I smile and wave as she leaves the trailer. I decide to get up and look around her trailer a little. After like 15 minutes I hear a knock at the door making me freeze.

"Y/n are you in there? It's Scarlett!" I let out a sigh of relief and walk over to the door. I open it and am immediately met with a hug. "It's nice to see you again!"

"It's nice to see you again too! Look at you in your Nat Gidup, I like it!" I laugh as I move letting her in the trailer.

"You don't mind right? Lizzie said you don't want any spoilers." She smiles sitting down on the couch.

I sit next to her smiling shaking my head, "I don't mind, but she's right I don't want spoilers. So I don't know why she's here I'm assuming it's a flashback or something." I shrug as she chuckles.

"I will neither confirm or deny it!" She playfully bumps my shoulder.

"Good! No spoilers!" I laugh bumping her back. We sit and talk for a little while. The door to the trailer opens and Lizzie walks in with her Wanda costume and hair on making me blush. "H-Hey babe."

Lizzie giggles at me noticing my bright red cheeks, "Hey! Scarlett they need you on set!"

"Oh ok, I'll see you later Y/n! Also congratulations on finally getting together you two! Evans owes me 20 bucks." She states with a smug look on her face as she gets up.

"Thanks Scar but Why does he owe you $20?" Lizzie asks confused.

"I said you'd start dating within 3 days and he said you'd start dating in a week. I won that bet!" She laughs, "Ok I'll see you later!"

"Bye thank you for hanging out with me!" I wave to her as she starts leaving.

"Anytime Y/n! I had a good time." Scarlett smiles and leaves the trailer.

Lizzie walks over grabbing my hands and pulls me up off the couch. "Hey you got a little drool right here babe." She points at the corner of her mouth. I roll my eyes as she giggles.

"I don't know what you're talking about." I cross my arms huffing. She grabs the sides of my arms pulling me to her and kisses me.

"Do you want to come get a sneak peek of the set?"

"Tempting but I don't want spoilers!" I wrap my arms around her waist.

"I got the ok for you to come see what we are doing!" Lizzie smiles wrapping her arms around my neck.

"Ok I'll peek, but only for 5 minutes!" I giggle as she excitedly pulls me closer and smashes her lips onto mine.

"Deal! 5 minutes!" Lizzie grabs my hand leading me out of her trailer and out on set.

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