Part 7

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"Robbie what are you doing here??" Lizzie quickly walks over to him leaving me standing with Scarlett.

"I'm tired of this break, I couldn't find where you were so I thought I'd come here. I want to get back together with you!" Robbie grabs Lizzies hands as my heart tightens.

"I need to talk to you." Lizzie grabs his hand dragging him away.

"Shit." I sigh muttering right myself, Scarlett turns to you confused.

"You ok? I heard you mutter shit?" She raises an eyebrow at me.

"I was about to tell Lizzie something.. and I was hoping to also ask her on a second date." I look off towards where Lizzie took Robbie. "But I have a feeling that's never gonna happen." Scarlett let's out a chuckle then puts her hands on my shoulders. "What??"

"Y/n in the years I've known Lizzie I've never heard her talk about someone as much as she talks about you!" She says smiling and shaking me a little bit.

"Seriously?? Never!? Not even Robbie!?" I raise my eyebrows in surprise as she shakes her head.

"Not even Robbie! Sure she talked about him, but you. You come up in every other conversation. That's why we've all been so eager and excited to meet you! Cause like we said she doesn't shut up about you."

"So... you think she's gonna tell Robbie it's over for good?" I ask praying that Lizzie is gonna tell him that as I feel tears welling up in my eyes.

"I'm sure that's what she's telling him right now!" Scarlett smiles then pulls me to her wrapping me into a hug.

As we separate Lizzie and Robbie come walking back in hand in hand. Robbie had a smile on his face and Lizzie is looking at the ground hiding her face. "So much for that..." I feel a pain in my chest as tears start falling down my face.

"Oh I'm sure-" Scarlett turns to me seeing now that I'm crying. "Y/n!"

I back up shaking my head, "I. I think I should go. Thank you for having me!" I run out as Scarlett calls out to me. I bump into Tom Holland out the door and quickly apologize, "I'm so sorry! I uh I gotta go!" I run away again then realize Lizzie was my ride. I sigh and sit down at the end of Scarlett's driveway putting my face in my hands beginning to cry again.

After a few minutes I hear footsteps then someone sits next to me. An arm wraps around me and pulls me closer to them. I look up and see Tom smiling back at me, "Hey, I thought you could use a friend."

"Friend?.. We've only talked a little bit..." I wipe the tears from my cheeks as he chuckles softly.

"I know, but I'd love to be your friend you know. Is that ok?" He asks politely, so I nod quietly and give him a small smile. "You know.. I see the way Lizzie looks at you. How she talks about you. I'm sure there's an explanation for why they were holding hands."

More tears begin falling from my eyes, "It doesn't matter! I'm stupid to think that she'd pick me! Gah I shoulda let her break it off with him yesterday." I bring my knees to my chest and barrie my head on my arms.

Tom scoots closer as he pulls me into a hug, "You're not stupid. She obviously likes you Y/n even an idiot can see that. Don't give up just because they were holding hands ok? I think you and Lizzie would make a great couple!"

I sniffle rubbing my eyes then look up at him, "You think so?..."

"Of course! I see how you two interact, the way you look at her and she looks at you. I've only seen a little bit but I can already tell you two are great together." He smiles patting my arm.

I let out a stifled laugh, "Don't get my hopes up, she loves him. She only has a crush on me."

"Y/n.." he says quietly as footsteps approach.


"No Robbie. Y/n!" Lizzie yells coming down the driveway.

"I'll let you two talk. If you need me I'll be inside." He kisses my head then walks inside as Lizzie sits next to me.

"So you and Robbie are back together?" I ask not bringing myself to look at her.

Lizzie quickly grabs my face wiping my damp cheeks. "No. He thinks we are. I tried telling him I didn't want to go out again but he wouldn't listen. That's why we were holding hands when we came back in. I told you I want you! I want to give us a try." She places her forehead on mine as tears well up in my eyes again.

"You know.. the thing I was gonna tell you is. I don't want to wait till our second date for you to tell him. I wanted you to tell him now, or as soon as you could..." Lizzie leans back looking at me with a troubled look. She about to speak when Robbie comes down the driveway.

"Lizzie what the hell!? Why'd you run off?? What are you doing? Whos this?" He crossed his arms and tapped his foot waiting for an answer.

"I... I'm Y/n..." I say looking at Lizzie for anything.

She clears her throat wiping a tear away once again and smiles softly. She then gets up and takes a few steps towards Robbie. "Robbie I was trying to tell you. I don't want to get back together. I want this break to now be an official break up." I awkwardly look up not knowing if I should be here for this or not.

"What!? Why!? Why do you want to break up!?" He reaches for her hands but Lizzie quickly pulls away.

"No! I like someone else and I want to give them a try Robbie! Besides all we've been doing is fighting." She crosses her arms and looks away from him.

"That was the point of the break Liz!" He takes a step towards her grabbing the sides of her arms.

"We are done Robbie. I want to give her a chance.. us a chance. To do that me and you are officially broken up." Robbie growls tightening his grip on Lizzies arms as she winced in pain.

"Who the hell is this mystery person!?"

"Ow Robbie you're hurting me! Let me go!" She tries to shake free but he tightens his grip once again.

"Hey let go of her! You're hurting her dude!" I yell as I stand to my feet.

"You're not apart of this conversation butt out! What the hell Lizzie!? We aren't breaking up you hear me!" He begins shaking her aggressively.

My anger boils over so I run over to them balling up my fists. I punch Robbie in the face knocking him onto his butt. I grab Lizzie turning her to me as tears fall down her face. "Are you ok!? Let me see your arms!" I felt panicked as I examined her arms. I quickly pull her into me as she buries her face into my chest sobbing. I wrap my arms around her rocking back and forth. "It's ok I'm here. It's ok."

Robbie stands up holding his face. "What the hell!? It's you isn't it! You're stealing my girlfriend!" He starts towards us as I push Lizzie softly behind me.

"I didn't steal her you were on a break and we caught feelings. So no I'm not." He angrily balls up his fists, I feel Lizzies hands on my shoulders.

"What you gonna hit me? Really? I think you should leave. No one wants you here." I keep my arms out standing in front of Lizzie. Robbie just stands there staring at us pissed off.

I don't know Robbie or anything but I highly doubt he is like. This is just for the story and nothing else. 🙂

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