Chapter Fifty-Two: Danger in Needlessness

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I enter my room after my long day and close the door quietly behind me, trying to prevent it from slamming.

"Hello, Riri" I hear a voice behind me say.

I turn around in surprise, meeting the eyes of Samael.

"If you say that again, I'll throw you out the goddamn window you- what're you doing?" I reply.

"Checking how high the drop is, see if it's worth it" He replies as he looks over the railing of the balcony.

"You're crazy" I reply.

"I mean, we've done it once already, what's the difference really? Besides, it isn't even that far. Come see for yourself" He replies.

I walk up the the edge of the balcony skeptically, peering over the edge. As I do so, he pushes my shoulder, and I shriek as I fall forward farther than expected. I begin to accept my death as he does so, but instead he grabs my waist, pulling me back to safety and spinning me around so I'm facing him and we're leaning up against the balcony's railing.

"You dumbass! I could've-" I start, but am interrupted by an intoxicating kiss on my lips.

Part of me wants to allow it, but my rational side ends up taking over.

"I can't do this. Not here" I reply, stepping away from him and turning my back towards him while I try to gain control over my thoughts.

"I see. I'll... take my leave then." He says, brushing past me and heading towards the doorway to the bedroom.

He stops in the doorway and turns to me just before he leaves.

"You're dangerous, you know" He says.

"Why do you say that?" I ask curiously.

He steps closer to me and lowers his lips near to my ear to respond.

"Because you don't need anyone" He whispers into my ear before turning and exiting the balcony.

That's when I smiled. The following morning, I approach the training grounds to a welcome sight. Brianna was battling an opponent and seemingly winning. I smile as I watch the power surge through her. It seemed like she was beginning to finally understand who she was.

"Magnificent, isn't it?" Aurora asks me as she approaches, keeping her gaze fixated on Brianna.

"Aurora? What do you say about moving the mission up?" I ask as I watch Brianna.

"You think they're ready?" Aurora questions.

I pause for a moment, continuing to watch, before responding.

"Quite" I say.

I see Aurora smile in my peripheral vision, then I'm distracted by someone calling my name. I turn around to meet the eyes of Genevieve.

"I'm so sorry to bother you, My Lady, but Lady Carter asked me to alert you that you have a visitor in the gardens awaiting your presence" Genevieve explains.

I nod in acknowledgment, turning towards Aurora.

"I'll alert the Emissary's of the news." She says, walking towards the group.

I nod and follow Genevieve towards the gardens. When I open the gate to the gardens, I see a familiar figure standing at the center, staring at the beautiful plants.

"Lord Bardot? To what do I owe the pleasure?" I ask him as I close the garden gate.

He turns to me, surprised by my appearance.

"I'm so sorry, Duchess, there seems to be a mistake. I was told the gardens would be vacated at this time" Jasper replies in confusion.

I scoff, beginning to understand what's occurred.

"And it wouldn't have happened to be Lady Carter that alerted you of that, would it?" I question.

"Why, as a matter of fact, it was" Jasper replies.

I scoff again, taking a seat on one of the stone benches overlooking the vast expanse of garden. Jasper sits down beside me.

"I suppose it would be beneficial for you to know... Lady Carter and some of the others are plotting to bring us together" I explain.

"You mean like... courting?" Jasper asks.

"Exactly like that" I reply.

Jasper lowers his gaze a little as I answer.

"But do not fret! They have no such standing in these matters up against me. I say, you're free to court whoever you may please" I reply.

"Thank you, Lady Mcleod. I believe they'd have much trouble pulling that off between the two of us" Jasper replies.

"Quite so" I laugh.

It's at this moment that I hear the garden gate close and I turn around to meet the betrayed eyes of Brianna, who looks upon the sight before her in loathing, then promptly turns around and leaves the garden as quietly as she entered. Jasper gets up to go after her, but I stop him, standing up myself.

"Allow me" I reply, starting off after her.

Brianna sits on the front steps of the Estate, her chin in her hand, staring off into the distance longingly.

"Brianna?" I ask as I approach.

She looks up at me as I sit down next to her.

"I was just coming to explain to you how I'd thought about what you said yesterday. I was going to talk to Jasper about my feelings for him, but now I suppose it's not such a good idea" Brianna explains.

"I believe it's quite the contrary" I reply.


"Jasper and I were simply explaining to each other how we didn't see a future there" I explain.

Brianna looks up at me with hopeful eyes.

"Really? But I thought-"

"The ladies of the court can't force us into an unwanted marriage. Therefore, we're both free to court whoever we please" I reply.

"I suppose that's Samael for you then" Brianna says.

I change the subject before she can continue any further.

"Aurora notified you of the news, I imagine?" I ask her.

"Yes. We're moving up the mission. Aurora says it's because the trenches will be easier to infiltrate tomorrow as opposed to another day, but I have to wonder... you're sure we're ready for this?" She asks.

"So long as you remember what I said to you yesterday, I believe we'll be just fine" I reply. 

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