Chapter Thirty-Three: Lord of Aramoor

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Thank god for the mail delivery a few days later, because without it, I might've lost my mind having to constantly be around Brianna and Cael. Whenever they were around, I felt empty, and I hated it.

"Amaris! You have mail!" I hear Cael's voice echo from the hallway outside my door.

I jump up from my bed, where I was laying dejectedly, running to the door and pulling it open happily.

"I think it's from your sis-"

"Thank you!" I interrupt him, snatching the package from him and shutting the door again.

The package is wrapped in parchment paper and tied with a long string that's tied in a bow at the top. I untie the string and rip the package open, revealing its contents.

A fashionable light pink, short sleeved dress falls onto my lap, along with a starch white apron and a small sheet of paper with fancy writing scrolled across the face of it. The mission's location and objective are written in large letters across the header of the paper.

Location: Blade's Estate, Lancaster, Killigan.

Objective: Go undercover as a kitchen maid, learn as much information about the house's tenant as possible. Distribute information directly to Aurora.

Length of mission: One day

I read.

Something excited me about going to the hometown of Brianna herself. But now, I had to come up with an excuse for me to leave, and I had the perfect idea. My sisters.

I was visiting my sisters.

I scribble a letter explaining my plans, and telling them they may have to cover for me, then I quickly shove a few things I may need for the mission into a bag and rush out the door, walking up to the first butler I see.

"Send this letter to my sisters please. The address is on the front" I explain before rushing off again.

"Uh... yes, ma'am" the butler says in a confused tone.

I waste no time in leaving the Estate, I'd been stuck here far too long. I walk down the pathway through the trees until I reach the end and realize I should probably be reading the directions Aurora gave me, so I pull the paper out, beginning to read.

"A carriage will be awaiting you just past the treeline that divides the nobles and villagers at twelve o clock sharp"

The paper reads. I look up at the church tower in town to check the time.

Eleven-thirty. I'd have to run to make it on time.

Without a second thought I begin sprinting towards the forest, knowing that just past it, an exciting future was awaiting me. I receive several strange looks as I run through town in an attempt to make it to the forest on time, but I'd grown used to the strange stares since my arrival, and they no longer bothered me. Besides, I was too excited to be bothered.

Adrenaline rushes through my body as I run towards the treeline and catch a glimpse of a shiny black carriage waiting amidst the shadows of the trees, and I run towards it, even as it slowly begins to move away.

"Wait! Wait I'm here!" I call after it as it begins to depart, running faster to catch up to the carriage.

I jump up onto the side of it once I've caught up with it, the wind picking up my hair and filling my nostrils with cool air. The coachman shoots me a strange look as I jump up onto the carriage, but eventually lets it go, and I open the door of the carriage, stepping into the coach.

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