Chapter Twenty-Two: The Lady of Lancaster

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"Back so soon?" Luna asks me the second I enter the drawing room the next day.

She looks over my appearance judgementally, as if she's unhappy to see me there.

"I suppose so" I reply, picking up an already poured cup of tea to spare me more embarrassment.

"Well... I guess you picked a good day" Luna replies, sipping her own tea.

"Is that so?" I ask.

"You mean to tell me you don't know?" Luna asks.

"Know what?" I question, but I'm interrupted by Cael walking into the room arm in arm with a beautiful young girl, who looks all too happy to be here.

They're both smiling and laughing as they walk in, and I feel a pang of jealousy in my chest as I see them together, but decide not to think the worst. The entire room turns to them as they enter, and many people nod their heads their direction as they walk into the room.

Who was this girl?

The two of them walk up to me first.

"Amaris, I want you to meet someone. This is Brianna Blades of Lancaster. She's visiting the Estate for a couple of weeks while her mother attends to business in Lancaster" Cael explains.

"Lovely to meet you" Brianna replies after being introduced to me.

Jesus christ, even her voice sounded nice.

"Likewise" I reply, taking in her beautiful appearance.

Her hair reminded me of the hair I used to always wish for, a pretty hazel color with blond highlights, and her eyes were the cloudy gray color I'd always imagined Lilith's eyes were like. There was an awkward silence between the three of us as I examined Brianna, and one that I finally broke once I was satisfied with my examination.

"Well, if you'll excuse me, I have training to attend" I say finally, looking for any excuse to leave the drawing room.

"Brianna and I were actually headed down there ourselves. She wanted a tour of the training grounds." Cael replies.

"Oh. What a coincidence" I reply, beginning to leave.

"Leaving so soon?" Luna calls after me.

I wave her away angrily and exit the room, leaving Cael and Brianna in my tracks. I don't stop walking until I reach the training grounds where I immediately walk up to a punching bag and hit it angrily, as Arthur watches me from a distance.

"Tough night?" He asks, approaching me.

"Actually, it was going fine until this Brianna girl showed up" I reply, punching the bag again and making it swing harder.

"Brianna girl? Is she a lady?" Arthur questions.

"She's visiting from Lancaster. Arden's neighboring town. And she's perfect" I reply, continuing to punch the punching bags.

"Well, I've never met her, but whoever she is I'm sure she's not all that... holy shit" Arthur trails off, catching a glimpse of Brianna as she approaches with Cael.

It was painful how fascinated Arthur looked as he caught a glimpse of Brianna for the first time, and I punch his shoulder, shooting him a disapproving look.

"What? Wait... is that-"

"Brianna Blades of Lancaster. A pleasure to meet you" Brianna says as she reaches us, offering her hand to Arthur.

His eyes widen as she says this and Arthur accepts her hand, kissing it lightly.

"I'm Arthur" He replies in awe.

Good lord. Does this girl just cast a spell on everyone she meets?

"Alright, alright, meeting time is over, lovebirds, now let's get to work!" The Duke interrupts.

I'd never been more happy to hear The Duke barking orders.

"You two, over to the obstacle course. And the rest of you? We'll be working on our drills. Now chop, chop, we don't have all day" The Duke yells.

I happily run over to the obstacle course, excited to show off what Arthur and I learned yesterday.

"Hey, Cael and Brianna. How would you like to watch these two on the course?" The Duke suggests.

Well wasn't that just great.

"An obstacle course? How exciting!" Brianna exclaims, walking over to watch us.

I roll my eyes.

"Alright, Amaris? You're up first, since Arthur started yesterday" The Duke explains.

I walk up to the start of the course.

It was go time.

I wait for The Duke to tell me to start, then I set off, accomplishing the pushups and high knees with ease, and snaking my way through the markers, quickly finishing my sprints and beginning the monkey bars, remembering Arthur's advice as I swing along the bars and onto the netting, landing gracefully.

I quickly crawl along the net, doing the flip off the edge like I'd practiced and advancing onto the next level. I dodge the swinging object and sprint up the staircase, then step all the way back and launch myself over to the other platform, rolling out of it like I had before, but this time only for show, then I slide down the ramp, and I find myself at the punching bags.

I swallow nervously before beginning, but punch the first bag powrfully, causing it to swing, which I dodge as I kick the second bag, stepping to the side to avoid that one as I advance to the third bag, which I uppercut, dodging out of the way as the second bag swings towards me, trying to knock me out. The fourth bag was the hardest as I jump into a flying kick, setting it into motion and moving out of the way of the third bag as it swings towards me.

And with that, I'd made it to the third level.

Adrenaline and anger was pumping through me as I started the third level. There was a balance beam placed above a hissing pile of hot coals that I step across gracefully, careful not to fall off the side.

After the balance beam, I drop to the ground, army crawling within a bed of sand to avoid a series of low beams built above me, and after the army crawling, a stand up, grabbing a nearby bow and arrow and shooting it at a target in the distance, which triggers the rest of the targets set up, which pop up randomly, in no particular pattern.

I shoot each of the targets, switching my gaze quickly from one target to the next and hitting each target in the direct center until they've all been hit, and the targets stop moving, indicating the end of the obstacle course. The crowd that's gathered is completely silent as I finish and I turn to look towards Cael, who looks at me in utter awe as I stand with the bow and arrow in my hand. Arthur breaks the awkward silence by clapping loudly, and I walk back towards the beginning of the course with a victorious look.

"Exactly how long have you been working on this?" The Duke asks me as I approach.

"Uh- a day?" I reply.

The Duke laughs at me, as if I'm joking, but stops when he notices my entirely serious expression.

"Wait... you're serious?" He asks.

"You only assigned it to us yesterday, My Lord" I reply.

He opens his mouth as if he's trying to say something in response, but then closes it again as he's unable to find the words.

"Well then... if Amaris is done here... she has some duties to attend to within the Estate. You don't mind, do you father?" Cael interrupts.

"Do what you must" The Duke replies, waving Cael away.

"But Arthur, you're staying with me" The Duke adds.

"I'll stay here and watch Arthur on the course" Brianna replies.

Great. Good for you. It's not like anyone asked.

I'm distracted by Cael grabbing my arm and beginning to lead me away. I turn back over my shoulder with one more victorious look before letting Cael lead me back up towards the Estate. 

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