Chapter Thirteen: Primroses

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Cael runs with me to a small field of lavender, where a few maids are working within the rows, harvesting the light purple flowers and placing them in baskets. 

Cael lets go of my hand and I kneel within the dirt rows, picking a few select lavender stems and gathering them up into a small bundle. I thought I saw Cael glance over at me as I gathered my bundle, but when I glance back over at him, he's focused on picking the perfect stems of lavender, indecisive on which ones to pick.

"What's taking you so long? Just pick some lavender" I laugh at him.

"Well your sisters have very high standards. I must pick only the very best for them" He replies.

"Whatever you say, My Lord" I laugh, beginning to pick more lavender as I wait for him.

He finishes picking his soon after, but I'm still picking more, obsessed with the smell off the stems.

"Now look who's taking her time" Cael jokes.

"Well can you blame me? Just smell these" I reply, shoving a stem of lavender towards him.

Cael steps backwards to avoid smelling the flowers.

"Wait a minute... do you not like the smell of lavender?" I question.

"I don't know what you're talking about newbie" he responds, avoiding my gaze.

"Oh my god. You don't" I reply in awe.

"Well it's not exactly my favorite smell in the world" He finally admits.

"You're serious? How could you not like the smell of this" I tease, shoving the lavender towards him again.

"Get that away from me" He laughs, stepping backwards.

I stand up, continuing to taunt him with the lavender until he's fed up.

"Alright that's it, we're moving to the rosemary fields" He replies, dropping his bundle on the ground and picking me up, slinging me over his shoulder and walking away from the lavender.

"Hey! Stop!" I laugh as he slings me over his shoulder.

"Not a chance, newbie. I no longer trust you here" He jokes.

"Oh come on! You're no fun My Lord" I reply as he sets me down in a patch of rosemary.

"And you're a pain in the ass, so I guess we're both even" He replies.

I roll my eyes, beginning to pick stems of rosemary instead.

Later, we're in the Estate's kitchen attempting to bake some treats for Avelyn and Primrose's basket. I glance over at him, and watch as he wipes sweat from his brow, leaving a small streak of flour along his forehead.

"My Lord, I believe you have something there. Please, allow me" I reply, gesturing to his forehead.

He turns to me in confusion as I attempt to wipe the flour away with my own floured hands, which only makes the mark worse.

"I do believe you just made it worse, newbie" He replies in disapproval as he looks at his reflection in a copper pot.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, forgive me, My Lord" I tease.

He turns and looks as me in disapproval of my answer, flinging flour at me and covering my dress in the white powder. My mouth gapes open in shock as he does so, and I look down at my floured dress.

"Oh, this is war" I reply, grabbing a handful of flour and throwing at him.

He laughs, attempting to dodge the attack but failing.

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