Chapter Forty-Two: Covenant and Conviction

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The trainees were not as confused as Cael believed they'd be. In fact, when I arrived at the training grounds, they were going through their drills obediently, led by none other than...

"Casimir" I breathe scornfully.

"Just what do you think you're doing?!" I yell at him as I approach confidently, acquiring the gaze of all the trainees as they're distracted from their drills at my sudden interruption.

"What does it look like? I'm teaching the trainees" Casimir replies, as if it were a stupid question.

"Well you can stop now. I was ordered to teach them, so if you could kindly step aside-"

"Really? That's funny... because The Duke actually asked me to teach while he was sick, so I can only wonder... who exactly asked you?" He replies smugly.

I pause, processing this information and trying to plan a good come back. I instead decide to storm away, back towards the Estate.

"Where are you going?!" Casimir calls after me.

"To find out whether or not you're lying!" I reply.

"Well I'm afraid you won't be too successful!" He replies.

I dismiss him with a wave and march back through the Estate, right up to The Duke's room, who's doors I burst through, drawing his attention to me. He sits in his bed with a tray in front of him filled with soup, bread, and a sort of medicinal looking tea.

"Amaris! What a surprise" The Duke says, coughing a bit after he's finished.

"Is it true you entrusted Casimir with the task of teaching the trainees?" I question him angrily.

"Well, I needed someone to look after them while I was away" He replies, sipping his tea.

"And you didn't think to ask me?" I question.

"No need to get defensive Amaris. I simply thought you wouldn't have enough time, with your training to be Duchess and all" He replies, coughing again, but this time more aggressively.

I decide to push my anger aside and walk over to him, patting his back until his coughing ceases.

"I hope you give that Casimir boy a chance when I'm gone. He has potential, you know" The Duke says after he's recovered.

"I don't like the way you're talking, Esteban" I say, perching at the foot of his bed.

"It's no secret, Amaris. I'm getting older. Soon, I won't be here, and it'll be up to you to keep my legacy alive. Are you ready for that responsibility?" He asks me.

It's hard to hate someone when they're talking of death.

"I believe I will be. With time" I reply.

"Time is not something I can guarantee you" He replies.

"Don't talk like that. This isn't the end for you. I know it" I reply.

"You can't promise me that. In fact, no one is promised that. We're all living on borrowed time, and we never know when our lives will suddenly just end. Just... promise me something" The Duke asks.

"What?" I ask.

"Promise me, whatever happens, that you'll keep Cael safe" The Duke begs.

"I promise" I reply.

"No. Amaris." He starts, grabbing my hand.

"You don't understand. I've done some things. Things I regret. And I'm afraid that someday, all those things I've done will catch up to me, and that when I'm gone, they'll put Cael in danger. You're a trained warrior. You must promise me that, should it come to it, you will fight for Cael. Protect him with your life. He has a tendency to trust people, even if he shouldn't. I'm afraid his kindness will one day be the death of him" The Duke explains, leaving me in shock.

"Esteban. I promise. I've never loved anyone as I've loved your son, and that, in and of itself, is something I would gladly fight for" I reply.

The Duke smiles and relaxes a bit, resting his head back on his pillows.

"You two remind me of Celeste and I, you know" The Duke says, his eyes going somewhere distant.

"Celeste? Was that-"

"My wife. The late Duchess" he interrupts.

"Cael said you don't talk of her much" I reply.

"I don't talk of her, because even the mention of her name brings on an overwhelming sadness. I would never wish such a feeling upon my own son" He replies.

"Even so. Cael seems eager to hear of her. He feels disconnected from his past, like a piece of him is missing. I believe that if you told him more of her, even the smallest things, that it might bring him closer to you. Isn't that worth a try to you?" I ask.

"Bringing him closer to me would do nothing."

"I disagree. If you would just-"

"Amaris! I'm done talking about this. Bring the maid back in here on your way out" He interrupts sternly.

I nod my head defeatedly, heading towards the door. I direct the maid back into the room and glance at him one last time before walking down the Cael's room, where I collapse onto the bed moodily and refuse to move. I lay on the bed for hours, wallowing in my own thoughts until I hear the open and closing of the bedroom door and feel Cael flop down beside me, seemingly as defeated.

"Your father entrusted Casimir with training" I say, staring up at the ceiling.

"My father just told me about my mother" He says, staring up at the ceiling with me.

I turn to look at him, surprised.

"Her whole history. Their whole love story. All within the span of a few hours" Cael continues.

"How do you feel?" I ask him, watching him with concerned eyes.

"I feel... I feel..." He stutters.

"Informed?" I ask him.

"No. Not informed. I feel... trusted. It must've taken him a lot to tell me all those things" Cael replies.

"You feel whole" I say with a soft smile.

Cael turns to me with a look of fascination.

"Yeah...whole" He says with a content smile.

"You've waited your whole life to hear about your mom. She's a piece of you. Without an understanding of her, a piece of you is missing. I get it. I've felt it before" I reply.

"Yeah, well... it seems something I'll never understand is how I got so lucky with you" Cael responds.

I smile, kissing him. 

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