Chapter Eleven: Genevieve

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There were three things I noticed immediately after awakening the following morning.

The first was the warmth of sun rays shining down on my face from the window of the room. The rays were penetrating the thick curtains hung across the window, illuminating the room. The second was a gentle knock echoing from the door of the room, capturing my attention as I lay within the smooth blankets. And the third was a not-so-pleasant throb in my forehead reminding of yesterday's events.

I didn't remember falling asleep or tucking myself into the luxurious blankets, and I'm only slightly perturbed that I seemed to block out half my day, but I dismiss the thought, groaning loudly in disapproval as I slide out from beneath the covers, walking lazily over to the door.

When I answer the door, my eyes meet those of a particularly pretty maid, who stands in the hallway awaiting my answer.

I can imagine her surprise as she looks over me, standing in my old bedraggled nightgown, with my hair tangled and knotted from my restless night and my feet bare as they stand on the soft carpet. I was hardly the vision of a guest sleeping amidst the Estate.

I found myself comparing myself to the maid I answered the door to, who was seemingly more put together than myself. Her hair was a dirty blond and was tied back into an elaborate braided bun, that sat at the nape of her neck. A few unruly strands had released themselves from the hairstyle, and framed her face with pretty curls. Her eyes were a hazel brown, and she has long lashes what widen her eyes and make her look more awake. She wears the standard uniform the other maids had worn. A light brown canvas dress with a white long sleeved blouse beneath it, and a small dark brown apron tied around her waist.

I'm so caught up in her appearance that I barely notice as she brushes past me, entering the room and walking swiftly over to the window, unfazed by my bedraggled appearance.

"Can I... help you?" I question as I process her entering my room.

"Well certainly not, My Lady. It's my job to do that for you" The maid responds, drawing the curtains and sending sunlight streaming into the room.

I squint at the sudden light in my eyes.

"And... you are?" I question as the maid begins shuffling around the room.

"Oh! Pardon me, My Lady. My name's Genevieve. Lord Cael notified me you'll be staying here for a while and that I should assess your wardrobe" She replies, beginning to rifle through my clothing I've packed into my dresser.

"Oh... yes! The Estate's seamstress, correct?" I question, recalling Cael and I's conversation last night.

"Well I'm hardly anything that official. I just sew as a hobby in my free time, when I'm not serving His Grace" Genevieve chuckles.

"Well, from what I heard, you design the wardrobes of Cael and the Duke yourself. It hardly seems like a hobby" I reply.

"Well I suppose it is a bit of work" She replies, holding up one of my everyday dresses and scanning it in confusion.

"And it seems like I'll have my work cut out for me with you" She adds as she rifles through my clothing.

"I really don't want to be a bother, I didn't even want a new wardrobe anyway, but Cael insisted on it" I reply.

"Nonsense. Everyone staying within the Estate deserves to feel as so." She replies, putting each of my clothes back in the dresser's drawers.

"Now, I'll just need to take a few measurements" She adds as she walks over to me, taking a measuring tape out of her apron pocket and wrapping it around my waist loosely.

I watch her as she begins the measurements and am all too unprepared when she suddenly tightens the measuring tape around my waist, sucking all the air out of my body. Genevieve is unfazed when I release a surprised breath and continues on with her measurements.

When she removes the measuring tape from around my waist, I release a relieved breath, finally able to breathe again, but am interrupted by her placing it between my legs instead, stringing it up to my shoulder. I watch her measure me in confusion, wondering why all these measurements are necessary.

"Uh... Genevieve?" I begin to question as she moves onto the next measurement.

"Shh. I'm working" She shushes me.

I close my mouth in response, looking around the room as she finishes up, unsure of where to focus.

"Done! Now, let's think about color palette. Do you like more cool tones, or warm tones?" She asks me, holding up two swatches of fabric for comparison.

"Uh... I'm not really sure..."

"Perfect! Both then! How about fabric preferences? Are you more of a silk girl, or lace? We also have chiffon, crepe, linen, and satin, although my personal favorite is our silk..."

"I trust your judgement" I interrupt her.

"Really? Okay. Let me see then." She replies, beginning to examine my figure as she circles around me.

"You seem like someone who prefers baggy, flowing clothing, although you do actually have quite a flattering figure under all those layers. We might me able to try something more fitted? I'm thinking bodycon, although possibly fit and flare as well" Genevieve continues.

I chuckle at myself having absolutely no understanding of anything she's saying.

"I don't need anything too elaborate. I'm a simple girl" I reply.

"Really? Okay. Whatever you say" Genevieve replies, taking out a small slip of paper and scribbling something down on it.

"I'll have the wardrobe ready for you within the week. Until then, you're stuck with your... current... clothes" She says with a slightly judgemental tone.

I chuckle at her curtness.

"Thank you" I reply as she finishes up a few things in my room and heads towards the door.

"Oh, Genevieve! Before you go. Do you happen to know where Lord Cael is this morning?" I question just before she leaves.

"That's easy. My Lord always spends the mornings locked into his greenhouse. He's supposed to be studying, but between you and me, he never does" She replies, whispering the last part.

I chuckle once more.

"Thank you, Genevieve. See you around?" I question.

"But of course My Lady! I'm sorry to say you're stuck with me for the week." She replies, curtsying before leaving the room. 

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