Chapter Forty-Eight: The Imposition of Loneliness

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"Dodge! Duck! Set! Kick!" I call out the drill.

A loud exclamation echoes through the training grounds as the trainees all yell simultaneously as they hit the wooden boards held in front of them, shattering them. I watch proudly as the shards of wood fall to the ground, and the people holding the boards scramble to pick up the remnants before the next line of trainees approaches.

"Well that's certainly a sight to see" An unrecognizable voice behind me says.

I momentarily turn away from the trainees to face a familiar figure, that surprises me as I look into his eyes.

"You must be Amaris then. I'm Jasper Bardot. Lord of Aramoor" He introduces himself.

He didn't recognize me. And a propitious thing that was.

"Amaris Mcleod. A pleasure to meet you, My Lord" I reply with a short curtsy.

"So you were married then" Jasper says after my introduction.

"Pardon?" I question.

"You and the late lord Cael. You were married. Forgive me if it's an imposition, it's just, there's a rather heated debate about it in my village, since it did happen on the day you were supposed to be married" Jasper says.

I stand there, processing his response and attempting to calm my growing rage.

"It's just as you said" I start, looking into his eyes scornfully.

He looks at me, interested.

"An imposition" I finish, turning back around to face the trainees as they run their drills.

"I'm sorry if I've offended you, Lady Mcleod... it's just-"

"Why are you here, Lord Bardot?" I interrupt, turning to look at him in disapproval.

"Because if it's to make fun of me and my position, I'm afraid you'll be severely disappointed" I whisper into his ear.

"Jasper?" Another voice questions.

I turn around to see Brianna branching away from training and walking towards us.

"Brianna? Is that you?" Jasper questions as he sets eyes on Brianna's uniform.

She responds to him by smiling widely and embracing him. I roll my eyes and cross my arms as I watch them.

"Whatever are you doing here?" Brianna asks.

"I was wondering precisely the same thing" I add, looking at Jasper expectantly.

He smiles slightly and scoffs at my expression before responding.

"Lady Blades is very anxious about her daughters whereabouts. She sent me out to explore the Arden Estate thinking Brianna would be here, which it appears she is" Jasper explains.

"Please don't take me back there" Brianna pleads, her previously bubbly tone suddenly troubled.

Jasper looks at Brianna in concern before responding.

"I won't take you back against your wishes, Miss Brianna. But, perhaps if I knew why you were so adamant to stay here, I could better understand you" Jasper replies in a gentlemanly tone.

Brianna sits on the ground, staring into the distance. It was impossible not to see the color that's suddenly been drained from her face as she thinks about going back to her own Estate, and I understand her sudden incapacity to speak. I turn to Jasper, who watches Brianna unsurely.

"Brianna wishes to stay here, because it's the only thing remaining that reminds her of Lord Cael. Besides, her parents withheld the information of his death from her for their own personal gain. You can imagine living with such people might be... tolling... for her. Besides. She's rather a good fighter" I respond for her.

Brianna glances up at me, her eyes lit up with hope.

"Of course. I assure you, I was unaware of their actions." Jasper responds.

"It's quite alright. I'm afraid no one's ever really aware of them" I respond.

"Now, if you'll excuse Miss Brianna, she must return to her training" I finish.

"But of course. Sorry for the distraction. I believe I'll return back to my own village today. But, rest assured, I won't alert Lord and Lady Blades of our... encounter" Jasper says, taking Brianna's hand and kissing it before beginning to walk away.

"Wait! Can't you stay for a few days? The trip back to Aramoor is at least three days time, and you've already traveled all the way here" Brianna calls after him, regaining his attention.

"Well, I wouldn't want to impose" He replies.

"It's no imposition at all. Is it Amaris?" Brianna replies, turning to me with hopeful eyes.

I look into Brianna's, hazel eyes, then back to Jasper's green eyes, and I suddenly realize what's going on here. I take a breath and nod my head in understanding.

"Well, Brianna is already staying within the Estate. Why not convert it to a whole hotel?" I shrug.

Brianna's smile lights up the space around her like a glowing orb and I scoff, smiling softly. 

With both Jasper and Brianna staying in the Estate, I had to move all my stuff up to Cael's old room, and the nostalgia hit me the second I entered. It still smelled like him. It still looked just as it did when he once roamed within it. I stand in the doorway for a minute, taking in each of the decorations individually. Each one sets off a new memory in my head, and it soon becomes overwhelming. 

I walk over to the bed, running my hand along the fabric of the blankets until it hits the silky pillows. I pick up a pillow, looking at it and reminiscing in the memories affiliated with it. Sights flash before my eyes. His eyes as they looked into mine. A spontaneous pillow fight. His wet hair spread across the pillow, saturating it. I bring the pillow up to my nose, inhaling the sweet scent of his shampoo. I was unaware of the tear that welled up in my eye until it fell onto the pillow, creating a wet spot on the silky pillowcase. I set the pillow back onto the bed, wiping the tear from my cheek, and catching a glimpse of a small oak box set atop the dresser next to Cael's bed. I walk over to the dresser, running my fingertips along the engraving across the top.

Cael Declan Mcleod.

A small brass key is set beside the box, and I pick it up, inserting it into the lock on the box and gently turning it until I hear a satisfying click. The smell of paper and ink wafts up into my nostrils as I lift the lid of the box, revealing its contents.

A small stack of letters, just as he described. And the top one was addressed to me.

A sudden sob materializes from my chest and I cover my mouth, dropping the lid of the box in the process and creating a loud noise that echoes through the tall walls of the room.

"My Lady? Is everything alright?" Genevieve asks, cracking to door open and checking up on me.

"Quite" I reply, brushing past her to leave the room as quickly as possible while all the while trying to conceal my tears.

I don't stop until I find myself at the edge of the lake, where I sit down on the bank, uncaring of the mud dirtying my skirt. I dip my feet into the clear water, letting it's coolness calm me and staring off into the distance while I reminisce. This time, no one joins me. The only person that had once, is now gone forever, and there was no way to get him back. I'd felt every emotion possible in the last few days. Sadness. Despair. Loss.

And now a new emotion joined in.


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