Chapter Twenty-Nine: Epiphany

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I wish I had awoken to warmer temperatures and rays of light penetrating the dark depths of the cavern, but instead I wake up with a sudden jolt, feeling cold hands pressed against my mouth as I sit up abruptly, looking around with wild eyes.

My eyes meet those of Samael's, who I quickly realize is the one covering my mouth, and probably a good thing, seeing as I would've released a surprised scream had he not. He raises his pointer finger to his lips before gesturing towards the entrance of the cavern, where voices begin to echo through the tunnel.

"Finish up patrols quickly, we were called to a meeting in the trenches" a distant voice says as they walk down the tunnel.

"Patrols" Samael whispers to me.

I look back towards Samael in understanding and he uncovers my mouth, motioning towards the wall directly next to the entrance of the cavern. I pick up Samael's cloak and take cover with my back pressed up against the cold wall, hiding from view of the patrols while glancing around desperately for Arthur, who's nowhere in sight.

"Where's Arthur?" I whisper to Samael as we hide within the shadows.

Samael points towards the entrance of the cavern, indicating that he left, and I feel my heartbeat begin to race faster as I rest my head on the wall of the cavern, silently praying. The footsteps outside draw closer until their right outside the cavern entrance.

"Have you seen this before?" A voice asks.

"I don't recognize it. Better check it out" another voice answers.

The shadows of the figures are about to enter the cavern when a noise outside distracts them.

"What was that?" One asks.

"Not sure. It came from this way" The other answers, leading the two of them away from the cavern entrance briskly.

I release a relieved sigh as they leave, peeking around the side of the cavern into the tunnel andd watching as they slowly disappear into the distance. Suddenly, Arthur's head peeks out from a crevice at the side of the tunnel, meeting eyes with me.

"Arthur? Was that you?" I question him.

"Yes. Now let's go before they come back" He replies, removing himself from the crevice.

I gesture to Samael, and we leave the cavern, making our way down the rest of the tunnel. I offer Samael's jacket to him as we make our way towards the other side of the mountain, but he rejects it.

"Keep it. You probably need it more than me anyway" He says.

I smile in response, slinging the cloak over my shoulders and tying it in the front. The thick black fabric of the cloak keeps me warm until we come out of the tunnel on the other side of the mountain, and we're met with sunny, blue skies.

"Is it just me, or is this weather bipolar?" Arthur asks me as we reach the other side of the mountain.

"It's colder in the mountain because the wind travels through here" Samael replies.

"You seem to know a lot about the Rochdale terrain. I'm not sure I trust it" Arthur replies with a suspicious tone.

Samael pauses for a moment and stares at Arthut before replying.

"It's basic science. Wind gets trapped in mountain ranges. It's true for all mountains" Samael eventually responds.

"Whatever. Which way is Arden? The sooner we get there the better I'll feel" Arthur replies.

"Presumably that way. Give or take a few miles" Samael responds, pointing straight in front of him towards the vast expanse of forest in front of us.

Arthur turns to him with a disapproving look.

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