Chapter Eighteen: The Astrology Tower

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Cael leads me up a golden staircase into another level of the Estate I haven't yet seen, that slowly get's dimmer and dimmer as we continue on.

"This looks like a place a serial killer would take his most recent victim to keep her hidden away from everyone" I say as we start down a strange hallway built from cobblestone.

"That's oddly specific" Cael replies. I laugh.

"Okay, but seriously, where are we going?" I question him again.

He doesn't answer me, and instead drags me to the end of the hallway, stopping me at a large oak door.

"Okay... this is officially creepy. What is this? A torture chamber? Is this where you keep all the criminals locked up?" I question as he stops me.

Instead of responding, Cael just smiles slyly and unlocks the door, revealing the surprise. My breath is taken away as the sight unravels before my eyes. 

The door opens into a large, circular room made entirely out of cobblestone, with windows cut out of the walls on all sides, looking out over what seems like all of Arden. The space is filled with miscellaneous objects covered in dusty canvas and a large oak wood table set at the center of the room, covered in various unidentified objects.

"Welcome to my favorite room within the Estate" Cael says with a proud tone as he looks around.

"What... is this place?" I question, looking around with wide eyes.

"This? This is the Astrology Tower. The only prohibited room within the entire Estate" Cael explains nonchalantly.

"Oh good. Let's go then" I reply, not particularly interested in getting caught and meeting The Duke's wrath.

"But I want to show you something" Cael says, walking over to one of the covered objects that's set next to one of the windows.

"Cael! What're you doing?" I whisper to him in disapproval from the doorway as he walks over.

"Come here" He laughs, gesturing for me to come over.

I roll my eyes at his stubbornness, glancing behind me over my shoulder before giving in and tiptoeing over to where Cael stands. He smiles as I arrive, unveiling the object beneath the canvas covering. The object is long and tubular, made entirely of shiny golden metal, and one end is thicker than the other.

"What is this?" I question, having never seen one before.

"My father calls it a telescope." Cael replies with a fascination in his voice that makes me turn to look at him with a look of adoration.

"What does it do?" I question, turning back to look at the telescope.

"I'll show you" He replies, adjusting the telescope to his height and looking through the skinnier end with one eye.

"Look through this" He suggests, adjusting the telescope for my height.

I shoot him a look of disbelief.

"Come on, just try it" He laughs.

I shake my head, but do as I'm told and hold my eye up to the end I'm directed to, and suddenly, I can see the entire sky in front of my eyes. I step away, looking towards Cael in awe.

"I know, right?" He laughs.

I look back through the telescope, taking in the view a second time.

"Wait a second... is that-?"

"The moon? Yes" Cael replies, coming up behind me and wrapping his arms around my waist. He rests his chin on my shoulder as I look out the telescope.

"But... how can you see it? It's the middle of the day" I question, ignoring the flush in my cheeks.

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