Chapter Twenty-Six: Selection

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With nothing else to worry about but my training for the mission, I redirected all my energy into my combat for the next week.

"Hey, do you know where Brianna is? I haven't seen her for almost a week" Arthur asks me one day as I hit a punching bag aggressively.

I stop briefly to look up at him in disapproval.

"She's probably busy somewhere training to be the 'perfect' Duchess" I respond huffily.

"Wait a minute... I thought Cael wanted you to do that" Arthur questions as he wraps his hands in protective cloth.

"Yeah. I thought so too" I scoff, hitting the punching bag even more aggressively.

Arthur looks confused by my answer, making a strange face as he tries to piece together what happened.

"Maybe it's for the better" Arthur suggests. I look up at him in disapproval as he responds.

"I just mean because you've showed so much potential in training, maybe you were meant to become a Guardian, not the Duchess afterall" He explains.

"And have to be around Brianna and Cael twenty-four-seven? I don't think so" I reply, hitting the punching bag again.

Arthur doesn't seem convinced.

"Hey, Amaris, heads up!" He exclaims, throwing his dagger directly at my head. I look up quickly and reach up, catching the handle of the knife before it can reach my head.

"You imbecile! You could've killed me!" I exclaim in annoyance, throwing the knife so it lands blade first in the ground at his feet.

"But I didn't" He says with a sly smirk.

I look back up at him in realization as he says this.

"Stop looking at me like that" I respond.

"Oh come on, you can't deny it forever" He says.

"Deny what?" I ask, despite the fact that I know exactly what he's talking about.

"Don't play dumb. You know what I mean" He replies.

Shit. He knew me too well.

"I won't deny that I'm a good fighter. Anyone who can beat your ass in combat must be." I reply slyly.

"Rude!" He says with a deep laugh.

"I'm only telling the truth" I laugh back, beginning to walk away.

"Hey, wait a minute! Are you going to the ball tonight?" Arthur asks me as I begin to walk away.

I turn to look towards him in disapproval. How could I forget. It was only the ball where Cael would select his wife and future Duchess.

"Do I still have to go to that even if he's not picking me?" I question with a groan.

"All eligible maidens are required to attend" Arthur replies.

"Well then it's a good thing I'm not eligible. I don't even own a gown pretty enough for that shit" I laugh as I start walking away again.

"Actually, since you're a trainee, you are eligible, and therefore required to attend" Arthur replies.

"You know, I think I actually hate you" I say with a disapproving tone.

"Oh come on, you should come! It'll be fun!" Arthur says.

"I think your definition and my definition of 'fun' are very different. You see, I don't really find going to a ball where Cael will be picking someone else to marry fun" I reply.

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