Chapter Four: Beginnings

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I wish I could say I knew how long the carriage ride took, but due to the constant bumping and jolting movements, time felt like time passed by painstakingly slow, but it's all worth it as we turn onto a dirt road lined on either side by cherry trees, that release their sweet scent into the air around me.

I breathe in a deep breath, taking in the earthy scent of the countryside and resting my head on the back of the carriage, allowing myself to relax a bit as I breathe in the crisp, cool air. A few blossoms fall from the trees as they sway in the wind, falling gracefully down onto the carriage as it drives through. I catch one in my hand as it falls, admiring the soft pink coloring until the carriage suddenly stops and I hear footsteps walk towards me.

I jump off the back of the carriage, quickly moving around to the side of it, where I press my back up against the cool wood, hiding from the coachman as he walks around to check the trunk. I slowly inch along the side of the carriage until I reach the front, unseen by the coachman, and I release a deep breath that I didn't know I was holding in, quickly starting towards where I think the Estate is.

As I run away from the carriage, I suddenly catch my first glimpse of the Estate, and my breath leaves my lungs. The Estate is built from a cream colored stone that's been polished and smoothed, and has a surprising amount of clean windows along the front of it that glimmer in the sun.

A set of steps leads up to two large front doors, which are made of dark, polished oak, where two guards stand on either side, wearing cream and brown uniforms and holding long, golden spears. The Estate looks like what I had imagined a castle would look like and I simply couldn't fathom the grandeur of a castle if this was merely an Estate.

I pull my gaze away from the Estate as I see the guards begin to turn their gazes towards me and I duck behind a nearby cherry tree, hiding from their wandering eyes. After standing there with my back pressed up against the tree trunk for a few seconds, I peer around the side. The guards have momentarily turned away from me and I set off towards a nearby gate, which I can see at the side of the Estate.

I sprint over, reaching over the top and unlocking the gate, then stepping behind it and closing it quickly, checking to make sure I wasn't seen by the guards, who still stand at their posts unfazed. I release a relieved sigh, turning around to find myself surrounded by a bright mix of plants. I start walking down a skinny path, quickly realizing I've found myself in the Estate's gardens.

At the end of the garden path, there's another gate, which I open to reveal a large grassy field, speckled with people dressed in beige uniforms. I close the gate behind me, walking towards the field to catch a closer glimpse of what they're doing. A few of them have partners they seem to be sparring, while others stand underneath a gazebo, hitting punching bags that dangle from the ceiling. On the far end of the field, a line of people stand, shooting arrows at nearby targets.

"Woah" I breathe as I watch them all in awe.

"Can I help you?" A voice behind me questions.

I whirl around, coming face to face with the Duke, who stands behind me in an elaborate golden cloak.

I immediately drop into a curtsy.

"My Lord! I apologize for intruding, but... I was told to come here to train as a Guardian?" I question as I curtsy.

The Duke motions for me to straighten up and shoots me a questioning look.

"Do you have an invitation, miss?" He asks me sternly.

I nod, pulling the letter Cael gave me from my bag and handing it to the Duke who shoots me one last puzzled glance before opening the letter and reading it. After he's read through the letter, he looks up at me with a ruffled brow.

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