Chapter Forty: The Darkness into Light; Dawn

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I socialized late into the evening, attending court and other festivities with the ladies, so they would finally accept me into their strange clique, although I didn't necessarily want to be part of it. I walk down the hallway from the drawing room groggily, and Cael catches me as I pass by his bedroom doorway as he's stepping out.

"You look like you need some fresh air" He laughs as I trudge along.

"I'm going to need more than that. Life as a Lady is hard" I reply tiredly.

"Let's start with the fresh air first" Cael laughs, ushering me into his room.

I glance around at the elaborate decorations of his room as I enter, which are all a variety of creams, browns, and golds, much like my own room. His room is significantly bigger than mine, and could arguably be a small house with all the furnishings within it. His bed, however, was what automatically caught my eye. It was large, and took up most of the room, and it had golden bed coverings and pillows, that covered a cream colored comforter.

"I have a balcony this way" He says to me, drawing me from my trance.

He offers his hand, and I take it, allowing him to lead me onto the balcony.

That night, we were sitting on the ledge of my balcony, looking out at the peaceful countryside as the last lights of the sun pierced through the growing darkness, and I suddenly felt the urge to ask him a question. One that was extremely personal. One that I did not know how he'd react to. But I asked it nonetheless.

"If I told you about the darkness inside me, would you still look at me like I was the sun?" I question him, momentarily pulling my attention from the bright colors of the sky to turn to look at him.

He turns to me with a look I'm unable to identify. One that seemed to be a mix of confusion, concern, and admiration, but all which soon melted away into a soft, comforting gaze.

"My dear. You are not the sun, but the moon" He responds. I shoot him a confused look, unable to understand what he means.

He smiles at my confusion and takes my chin in his fingers, moving it so my gaze lands on the bright, circular object set within the night sky.

"The moon lights up the darkness of the night with her magnificent beams, and is anything that one desires. So, you are the moon. Not because your name commands it, but because you are my light in the darkness. My truest desire. No sun could possibly compare to you" He finishes.

I'm left completely speechless, and can't bring myself to do anything except turn to look at him in fascination, looking deep into his eyes for a second before lunging at him, connecting our lips together. He laughs as he catches me in his embrace, kissing me happily.

"Careful, you'll push us off the ledge" He laughs.

"And do I care?" I respond.

"It would appear not" He laughs again, connecting our lips again.

He grabs my hips and pulls us away from the edge, pinning me against the wall and continuing to kiss me. He pulls away for a second, caressing my shoulder and sending shivers down my spine. He looks at me as he does it, as if asking for permission, and I grant it to him with a soft smile. He kisses my shoulder softly, trailing them up to my neck.

"Cael" I say, stopping him and drawing his eyes to mine.

"Are you sure?" I question.

"I'm sure I'm going to marry you. So what's the point in waiting?" He questions.

I smile, and let him lead me inside. I felt groggy when I awakened the following morning. Like my eyes had been plastered shut and were unable to budge, but when I finally managed to open them and check my surroundings, I no longer recognized where I was, and momentarily forgot what had happened. 

The curtains were more intricate then the ones within my room, fashioned with golden embroidery, instead of generic canvas.Streams of golden sunlight shone through the glass of the window directly across from wherever I was lying, landing on the extravagantly thick carpet, and illuminating it's golden, brown, and cream colorings. I didn't recognize where I was until I felt his hand slide down my waist from my back to the front of my stomach and goosebumps erupted all over my body.

His cool hand brushes against my warm skin underneath the covers, creating a cooling sensation that makes me sigh in contentment as I flip around onto my other side to look into the eyes of Cael, who opens his eyes as I flip around, placing his hand on the small of my back. The beams of sunlight shine through his blond hair, transforming it into a silky golden color, and his skin is lit up by the golden gleam, showing not a single imperfection.

"Why good morning, My Lady. Were the sleeping arrangements to your liking?" He asks me as I turn to him with a content smile.

"What if I said they weren't?" I joke playfully.

"Well then, I'd have to change your mind" He replies, pulling my hips closer into him and kissing me.

His hands slide up my body as he continues to kiss me, and he pulls me into him gently by the neck, kissing me harder before releasing me. I smile at him as he pulls away, brushing a piece of his unruly hair out of his face.

"So?" He asks me.

"Mm?" I question back, distracted by the way the sun lights up his eyes.

"Did I change your mind?" He asks me.

I smile widely in response, then reach up and run my fingers through the hair on the back of his head, pulling his lips towards mine to connect them again.

This time, I don't let him pull away. 

The Promise of the DawnOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora