Chapter Fifty-One: The Pond

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I stayed up late, tossing and turning, so when I enter the drawing room for afternoon tea the following day, my eyes are heavy as I amble into the room.

"Kind of you to grace us with your presence this afternoon, Duchess" Gianna says from her seated position near the table.

The other ladies are all gathered around the table, sipping their tea, and they look at me strangely as I enter.

"Surely you have much better things to do than socialize with the ladies of the court?" Another asks me.

"I assure you, if I'm not wanted here, I will be more than happy to leave" I retort.

The ladies all exchange surprised looks, then give in, turning their eyes away from me and sipping their tea obnoxiously.

"You know, I haven't seen Lady Blades here in a while. Would you happen to know where she may be, Brianna?" Gianna asks.

I can tell she's trying to stir up trouble by the way she looks at Brianna, who promptly stops when the question is asked, her teacup hovering inches from her mouth, and her eyes wide in surprise. I decide to save Brianna from her impending doom as I sit at one of the chairs situated around the table.

"Lady Blades is back at the Estate, settling her own affairs. Brianna is here to pay her respects." I respond, reaching for the teapot.

"Is that so... how interesting" Gianna says, looking Brianna up and down after my response.

I pour the boiling tea into my cup, mixing in a single sugar cube and raising the beverage to my lips, shooting Brianna a reassuring look. She smiles thankfully, and continues sipping her tea.

"So you're still wearing it, then?" Gianna says as I raise my cup to my lips and sip the tea delicately.

"I'm afraid I don't know what you mean, Lady Carter" I reply.

"Why, your ring of course. It's just... I happened to hear from someone that there's speculation of a new beau for you, Duchess" Gianna replies.

I suddenly slam my teacup back on it's saucer as she says this, shooting her a look of indignation. She's too busy looking across the table at Luna, who smiles softly at her mother before taking another sip of her tea.

"And that someone wouldn't just happen to be your daughter... would it, Gianna?" I ask, drawing her attention to me.

She looks like a mouse caught in a trap, staring into the eyes of a predator.

"Well, so what if it were me, it's still true! I saw it with my own eyes. You, kissing that mysterious man in the hallway." Luna chimes in.

All eyes turn back to me.

"Is this true, Your Grace?" A lady asks.

I pause for a second, not responding and letting the room fall into thoughtful silence for a few seconds, awaiting my answer.

"No. No, it's not true. It's speculation, and merely that" I reply, looking Luna directly in the eye.

"But that's not true, I saw you!" Luna exclaims with a whiny tone.

"Luna, My dear, if Her Ladyship says it's untrue, it's simply that. Although I must say, I'm a little disappointed. A marriage for our Duchess would be beneficial. Perhaps a certain foreign visitor?" Gianna replies, implying that Jasper would be a good suitor for me.

This time, it was Brianna's turn to to slam her teacup down suddenly, a look of betrayal crossing her face. The ladies all glance around at each other, as if considering this idea, and Brianna stands up abruptly, running out of the room. I watch as the ladies' gazes follow Brianna as she runs away, then stand up myself.

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