Chapter Forty-Six: After the Storm

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They say that after every storm, there's a rainbow. But it never came for me. The storm remained the next day, when we had to clear the halls of all the casualties. It remained when a funeral was held for the future duke.  My love. My husband. And it remained the day after when the court barely even gave me time to grieve, and instead just jumped right into what would happen next.

"Excuse me?" I question the courtier who's just approached me and asked me a question.

"Arden can't function without an acting monarch balancing our affairs. We need a coronation. We need you as Duchess" The courtier explains.

Genevieve stands at my side, as she has since the day it happened, silently listening.

"I see... well. I suppose it's better than sitting around and doing nothing"

"My Lady... it's okay to-" Genevieve starts.

"Genevieve? Will you help me design my coronation gown?" I interrupt her.

"Yes... My Lady" She replies reluctantly.

"I'll alert the court. You need not worry about sending out invitations. We can do that for you" The courtier explains.

"Make sure the guests wear black or gray attire. This is still a mourning household" I order.

"Yes ma'am" The courtier says before scurrying away to relay the news.

I set off in a powerful stroll towards the dining hall, the hem of my black skirt brushing against the polished ground.

"Oliver? Did you distribute those new uniforms for the staff?" I ask the butler as he hangs a black drapery along the ceiling.

"Yes, My Lady. They're all trying them on right now" He replies.

It turns out the black outfits that had been made for the wedding had come in handy anyways.

"Very good. Thank you Oliver. Genevieve? Come with me" I order, gesturing for Genevieve to follow behind me as I head back to my room, which had changed locations since the invasion.

I was now located in Cael's old room, which had also been entirely redecorated in black and gray shades. The mourning colors gave the whole Estate a gloomy feel, but I suppose it was fitting.

"What color were you thinking for the coronation gown, My Lady?" Genevieve asks.

"Well, black, of course" I reply, brushing out the elaborate curls Genevieve had put in my hair this morning.

"This is a coronation, ma'am you don't have to-"

"I said black, Genevieve." I interrupt her, looking at her sideways.

"Yes, ma'am" She replies, writing something in her notes.

She then proceeds to walk over to my closet, opening it and accidentally unveiling the wedding dress she'd designed for me that still hangs there, unused.

"What're you doing? Close that." I demand, walking over and promptly shutting the closet door.

"I-I'm sorry ma'am, I was just-"

"Nevermind what you were doing. Lets get back to the dress" I reply, sitting at the foot of my bed and trying to shake off the sight of that dress.

Genevieve nods and sits next to me while we look over dress designs in a catalog, but we're interrupted by a knock on the door. I get up and walk over, opening the door to reveal Oliver.

"Pardon the interruption, My Lady, but there's a visitor at the front doors. They're asking for you" He explains.

"Very well. Genevieve? I trust you with the design. I must go meet this visitor" I say to her.

Genevieve nods, curtsies, and leaves the room, and I head towards the main entrance. As I begin to descend the grand staircase, I catch a glimpse of an all too familiar face. 

She wore a long, white, off the shoulder blouse and a blue and white patterned corset. Her smooth curls were pinned back with elaborate jeweled hair pins, but a few stray curls had released themselves, framing her beautiful features. She was talking with a butler as I approached, but turned to look at me as I descended the staircase. I should've been mad at her for skipping Cael's funeral, but as she turned to look at me, I saw a deep sadness in her eyes, and I suddenly pitied her. We maintain eye contact for a second longer after I reach the bottom of the staircase, but then, much to my surprise, she runs towards me, wrapping herself in my embrace and crying.

"Brianna?" I question, unsure of what to do.

"I'm so sorry Amaris... I didn't know" She says as she crys.

"Know what, Brianna?" I ask her.

She pulls away from me, looking into my eyes with her own.

"About Cael... my parents never told me" She explains, confused that I don't already know this.

"So that's why you missed the funeral" I reply, finally understanding.

She nods.

"I can only assume it was because of the rumor about me. My parents have refused to allow me to leave the Estate since then" She explains.

"So how are you here right now?" I ask her.

She smiles mischievously as I ask this.

"I snuck out" She says proudly.

"You... snuck out? Brianna, your parents will kill me if they figure out you're here!" I exclaim, already imagining the scene they'll cause.

"I know... but... I had to come here. The Estate is the only thing left that reminds me of him" Brianna explains, her previously mischievous gaze dissipating into that of a sad one.

"I know the feeling" I say sadly.

My god, did I actually feel sorry for her?

"So you'll let me stay then?" She asks excitedly.

I finally give in.

"You can stay in my old room. But only because Cael would've told me to be 'accomodating'" I reply.

"Thank you" Brianna says, hugging me one last time before grabbing her bags and following me down the hallway to my old room.

"Are you still training those Guardians?" Brianna asks me as we enter the room.

My inability to answer indicates that it's time for me to return to the training grounds. 

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