Chapter Two: Relations

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Part of me wants to follow him and see where he leads me, but another part of me reminds me I have two younger sisters to return to, so I head back towards the cottage empty handed.

I knew my sisters would be asleep when I arrived, so I left my hunting boots outside the cottage when I arrived, knowing that if I wore them inside they'd make a loud echoing noise as I walked, awakening my sisters.

I set my bow and arrow next to my boots, reaching out and opening the door to the cottage as quietly as possible. The rusty hinges of the old door creak as I close it after entering, and I wince, stopping in my tracks and glancing over my shoulder at the mattress in the corner where my sisters still sleep soundly. 

I release a relieved sigh, tiptoeing over to the old wooden desk under the cottage's singular window. Avelyn's writing supplies are spread all over the surface of the desk. I move over the scraps of paper, half empty ink jars, and unused quills to clear a place where there wasn't an ink stain, then gently set down the letter Cael gave me without reading its fancy scrawling handwriting.

I then proceed to blow out the candles that still cast their golden light over the cottage's singular room, and head over to the bed, too tired to undress myself before I sleep. I take my dirtied socks off before climbing under the covers with my sisters, making sure my sisters are tucked tightly underneath the covers before finally closing my eyes and slipping into a blissful sleep.

My 'blissful sleep' is interrupted the following morning when I'm awoken by my youngest sister, Primrose, shaking me. I groan in annoyance as I'm awakened.

"So... when were you going to tell us you're exchanging letters with the future Duke of Arden?" My other sister Avelyn asks as she rests her chin on her hands to stare into my sleepy gaze.

"I have no idea what you're talking about" I reply sleepily, having forgotten the following nights' events, due to my sleep deprivation.

Primrose climbs off the bed and walks over to the desk, daintily picking Cael's letter off of the desk and walking back over to the mattress. She perches herself on the edge of the bed, holding the letter in front of my face. As the letter hangs in front of me, I suddenly recall last nights' events and I sit up, attempting to snatch it from her grip.

"Hey! Give that back!" I exclaim in exasperation as I try to reclaim the letter.

Primrose pulls the letter away from me with a sly smile, opening the letter to begin reading it. I cross my arms in disapproval as I watch Primrose read the letter. She gasps as she finishes it.

"Avelyn, read this" Primrose demands, shoving the letter over to Avelyn. Avelyn looks at me playfully before taking the letter from Primrose and reading it herself.

"Ris, this is..."

"An invitation to join the Duke's elite group of warriors?" Primrose interrupts.

"Well... yeah" Avelyn replies, setting the letter down.

"I got it last night. I would've told you guys but you were already asleep. Do you think I should accept it?" I ask.



My sisters respond in perfect unison, glancing over at each other in confusion as they hear each others' conflicting answers.

"Well, I think you would be crazy not to accept it. The Duke's training program is the most prestigious in Arden. Some people train for years, just to get in!" Primrose replies.

"Well I think it's stupid and unladylike. Besides, you'd be leaving us to fend for ourselves" Avelyn suggests.

"I know, and obviously I would never want to do that to you guys, especially after the year we've had, but... can you blame me? If I did this, I could start making more money for us, and maybe I could even save up enough to buy back our family's cottage." I suggest. Avelyn looks unfazed and crosses her arms, shooting me a stern look.

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