chapter 29

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Chapter 29.

5 months later, in Seoul.

After being stuck in Shanghai for a few days, Gahyeon finished taking care of SuA's paperwork, so SuA and Siyeon went home together. SuA went to the house on July Street to pack up all her belongings and then went to the hotel with Siyeon, she also prepared all the procedures to divorce Hoseok. The house on July Street was sold and split in two.

The rumors about the Airplane have stopped for a while, the current Chairman Kim has completely disappeared, no one knows his whereabouts. The huge mansion is now only Kim Yeeun there. Airplane headquarters was in chaos for the whole week because the director and assistant director suddenly disappeared. All the work is poured into the head of Deputy Director, Mr. Yang.

When SuA arrived at the company after her trip to Shanghai, and everyone was shocked and hurried to talk, she quickly held a small meeting between the managers.

"Where did Ms. Kim go last week?" – Deputy Director Yang asked curiously.

“Should I say that I was kidnapped by Han corporation spies?” – SuA said be like she doesn't care about life. Her revelation made everyone in the audience hold their breath.


“Lee Gahyeon and Lee Myungsoo's family are employees of Han Corporation, so now they are naturally fired from our group. Find a replacement quickly, especially to find a good lawyer. The news and rumors about the Airplane will soon sink, because the public evidence is not strong enough for the Ministry of Public Security to investigate, there is no need to take the initiative to say anything. The projects that have been set out should follow the plan to keep up with the goals.”

“What about Chairman Kim? The directors of the branches have contacted the headquarters to ask for information continuously” - said a secretary.

"Chairman Kim has a personal problem, so he won't appear for a while, everything at the headquarters will be decided by ourself without going through the president anymore" said SuA, then ended the meeting.

Have a peaceful few months. Chairman Kim disappeared, Lee Myungsoo did not know what to do. So SuA and Siyeon are temporarily happy together and not disturbed by anyone.

At the end of a hard day's work, SuA returned to the hotel where she and Siyeon had long rented. She is planning to buy a house for her and Siyeon to live in, the properties that she owns are currently in the state of investment and lease, so she cannot live there. It's been a few months, but because of her difficult personality, she still hasn't found a suitable house, so she and Siyeon are still staying at the hotel.

The fact that SuA was released and returned to Korea, at first Lee Myungsoo was still unknown, and she was anxiously waiting to see what he planned to do next. Mr. Lee seems to be looking for a weakness of Chairman Kim, but it's really difficult, because SuA has taken care of everything. Both sides are holding evidence that could send each other to prison, so no one has dared to take strong action.

But the fact that Lee Siyeon was in Seoul, was recently known by Lee Myungsoo, he even knew what hotel she was staying at. Maybe through Siyeon's use of identification to move, her father went to investigate and knew her whereabouts.

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