chapter 21

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Chapter 21.

SuA returned home after a long day of work, the pile of work piled up when she was on vacation was so much that she had to come home late today.

Yesterday her headache and heart palpitations tormented her most of the night, and she was out of her mind to think of a solution. Surely she would have to find a chance to get rid of the monstrous pills that Dr. Nam had prescribed for her, although she had already thrown away half of the pills, but he was by her side to control her to take a few pills when she at the hospital, so at that time she had to close her eyes and drink.

Even though the pills, in such a small amount, had already entered her body, it still made her feel very tired.

SuA fell on the bed, she picked up the phone to call Siyeon, but it didn't work. Siyeon missed calling her a lot last night, but because she was tired, because she slept, she didn't touch the phone so she didn't know.

After a few minutes, Siyeon called her back via kakaotalk.

- I’m listening.

"Why haven't you answered my call since yesterday?" – Siyeon's voice is a bit grumpy.

- I'm sorry, I was too tired to touch the phone yesterday.

“Turn on the camera"

SuA complied, she saw Siyeon also lying on the bed, the two of them seemed to be lying next to each other.

- Lee Siyeon, I miss you.

"If you miss me, come to Daegu"

SuA laughed, remembering in her mind if there were any holidays coming up, maybe she should take advantage of the day off to meet Siyeon?

"Why do you look so tired?" – Siyeon looks at SuA and gets worried

- Today, I came home late from work, I was busy going out with you, so the work was too much.

"What did you eat today?"

- Hmmm… I eat spicy hot pot, and you?

“I eat beef stir fried with onions”

- That's cool.

"My father knows our story, and he does not agree, he forbids me to contact you"

SuA blinked, this is understandable. She always met Lee Myungsoo in the sessions of handling illegal money of Chairman Kim, he always looked at her with hateful eyes, so she understood this prohibition. Because President Kim rarely comes out in person, Myungsoo meets SuA more than Mr. Kim, has to interact a lot, and then has to do those unscrupulous things, must hate her as much as Chairman Kim.

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