chapter 28

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Chapter 28.

Siyeon stood in front of the gate of the apartment complex called Red Sun, she thought silently, this is where SuA is being locked up. Sunkyu finally compromises and reveals this address to her.

After learning that SuA was taken to Shanghai, a city 8 hours away from Korea, she panicked. She quickly packed her things and flew to Shanghai immediately. And the problem that arose was about the visa, she did the fastest service to get a Chinese visa to fly to Shanghai, and it took her 3 days to get the visa.

And 3 days in a row while waiting for a visa, she stayed in her parents' house, Sunkyu and mother Lee hid in another place far away in the country, father Lee is in Shanghai and hasn't come back yet. Then she learned that the day she flew to Shanghai was the day he returned to Korea.

While waiting to fly, Siyeon thought that she should contact father Lee to negotiate, to let him release SuA. Because if he takes SuA hostage to threaten Chairman Kim, it won't work, because Chairman Kim doesn't care about SuA. But then she didn't know how to talk to father Lee because she knew that he really hated Kim Jaejoong and that he hated SuA. If she mentioned SuA, it would be like poking his hive. Sunkyu also kept a secret about revealing to Siyeon where SuA was.

So Siyeon chose to remain silent, she decided to go to Shanghai herself to save SuA.

Siyeon asked a resident of Red Sun who was walking around to sneak into the elevator. It was fortunate that she knew a little Chinese, which she studied through university. She stood in front of room 2603 and knocked repeatedly.

A blonde girl opened the door, speaking in Chinese.

- Who is that?

- Kim SuA is here right? – Siyeon asked directly, then she glanced at an acquaintance standing in the house.

It's Lee Gahyeon.

- Gahyeon? Lee Gahyeon, ít’s me, Siyeon – Siyeon said loudly.

She saw Gahyeon pulling the blonde girl over and talking in private. After a while, Gahyeon came out and pulled Siyeon away for about 10 steps.

- Siyeon, why are you here? - Gahyeon asked, a worried look on her face.

- I have to ask you, did you and SuA get kidnapped here? SuA is here right? How is she? – Siyeon asked quickly.

Gahyeon pursed her lips and got lost in thought, then answered

- Mr. Lee Myungsoo abducted SuA here, and I'm from the Han group's side, you probably know them

- What? - Siyeon rolled her eyes.

- Mr. Lee wanted to kidnap SuA to set conditions with Chairman Kim but failed, after a few days of waiting, he returned to Korea, and he wants to starve SuA here, he doesn't want to release her - Gahyeon said slowly.

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