chapter 7

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Chapter 7.

Science says that humans only use 10% of the brain, 10% is conscious, the remaining 90% is subconscious.

After consuming too much alcohol, Kim SuA's 10% consciousness must have decreased significantly, but she is sure that she has at least 1% consciousness left, to know her current actions.

Lee Siyeon was right next to her, and with Siyeon’s charming beauty, she couldn't be polite to Siyeon anymore. Siyeon’s wearing a leopard print pajamas, sleeveless and off the shoulder, want her to be polite right now? Can not.

Many times, at night, SuA felt lonely, so she stole into Lee Siyeon's room, kissed Siyeon a few times, and then went back to her room.

There were many times, at night, when Lee Siyeon was lying next to her, she wanted to rip off the layers clothes and take over Siyeon, if Siyeon resisted, she didn't care. But those nights, her consciousness was quite high, so she didn't do that.

There's no way she would make the person she loves uncomfortable.

She always wants the best for Lee Siyeon, she cares about Siyeon’s feelings, so she never does anything too much to upset Siyeon.

But tonight, Lee Siyeon made a big mistake. Her job is to go to bed and sleep well, why did she automatically appear in front of Kim SuA like this, and then stop SuA from drinking?

Obviously Lee Siyeon's fault, Kim SuA no matter what she does, she's not the one in the wrong...

That's right, she did nothing wrong, not even this kiss.

SuA pressed her lips to Siyeon, then quickly brought her tongue out, tasting those plump and smooth lips. She had been curious about its taste, now she had tasted it.

It's incredibly sweet.

SuA stuck her tongue deep into Siyeon. Lee Siyeon didn't have any resistance left, her mouth was open. SuA was just waiting for that, she entered, messing with Siyeon's oral cavity.

If talking about a true first kiss, then this is SuA’s first kiss.

She really wanted to eat Lee Siyeon right away.

SuA wrapped around Siyeon's tongue, passionate about it and didn't let go. Siyeon moaned softly at SuA's attack, SuA's tongue was too long, it was like a flexible snake in her mouth, caressing all the emotions she didn't want to express.

Does she have any feelings for Kim SuA?

Surely yes, she had actively thought about SuA many times, but she had thought that those feelings were fleeting.

Kim SuA is her enemy, she can't love SuA, that's unfilial to her parents, so ungrateful to her sister.

But Kim SuA's skills are so professional, SuA kissed her and touched her all over her body, making her unable to control her emotions. She blurted out lewd noises.

- Ahhh….

Kim SuA must have slept with a lot of people, that's why she has this professional skill, Siyeon thought so

- Ahhh….hmmm… - Siyeon continued to moan through the kisses.

SuA broke the kiss, a piece of silver thread connecting her mouth and Siyeon's mouth, plus Lee Siyeon's satisfied expression right now, don't make her stop...

She needed to continue…

SuA nuzzled her head into the crook of Siyeon's neck, licking all over Siyeon’s neck, making circles, then straight, then horizontal, stimulating all of Siyeon's sensitive nerves. Her hand moved flexibly downwards, taking off Siyeon’s clothes. The pieces of cloth on Lee Siyeon's body fell to the ground after only a few seconds.

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