chapter 19

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Chapter 19.

Siyeon helped SuA lie down on the bed, she pushed aside the cards and dice, pressed on top of SuA, and gave SuA innocent kisses. With one hand she supported SuA, her other hand reached for the next table, pressed the switch to turn off the light, leaving the room with only a small light bulb in the corner.

It had been months since she had touched this perfect body, she remembered it dead.

- Did you miss me lately? – Siyeon leaned her forehead on SuA asking for love, her hands unbuttoned each button in turn.

- I'll always miss you - SuA hugged Siyeon's neck and kissed Siyeon, during the time of the wedding, she went through bad days, because she suddenly had to leave Siyeon, she struggled terribly to get used to that painful feeling.

That suffering was like something peaked, couldn't be more miserable, she threw herself into work to forget this bad feeling, but it couldn't, it was like a virus that destroyed every cell of her. In the early years when she first met Siyeon, SuA didn't have such suffering, even though Siyeon didn't care about her, she wasn't too sad, because Siyeon was always by her side.

Even if she died, SuA would never want to go back to that time again. She thought that maybe she would have to wait a year before she had the chance to see Siyeon again, but she got to meet Siyeon earlier than expected.

Siyeon took the initiative to find her, and dragged her to this private resort, everything was beyond imagination, SuA was both shocked and happy.

Siyeon took off SuA's shirt and threw it on the floor, she left the kiss and went downhill. SuA curled her body and groaned, a wave of pleasure flowing from the top of her head to the bottom, Siyeon's tongue was exceptionally warm compared to the cold weather outside.

Siyeon made soft noises that made SuA gasp for breath, her body began to sweat, her hips arched continuously with the desire to rub against the person above. Siyeon took off SuA's pants, then turned her upside down, kissing her sexy back. SuA used her knees as a support, curled her butt up with pleasure and ran from where Siyeon had just put Siyeon’s tongue, then down, she clung to the pillow.

Siyeon squeezed SuA's butt, then pushed her hair over her ear, breathing in that sensitive place a few words.

- I'm going crazy.

- Hmmm…. – SuA's earlobe was wet, she breathed lustfully.

- If I am addicted to you, what should I do? – Siyeon stared blankly at SuA's half satisfied face, she touched SuA’s pussy, then pulled away, followed by a silver thread of fluid, then she touched again.

- Ahhhh...let's go in - SuA begged, her butt curled higher.

Siyeon inserted her middle finger into SuA from behind. SuA let out a scream, and involuntarily raised her head, making a cat pose. Siyeon retreated to the bottom, moving her fingers while pressing her face between SuA's round butt, creating stimulation.

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