S.W/N.M - Wrinkles.

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Can you do a sam wilkinson imagine when Nate is your older brother? And all of the boys are at nates house for a movie night?

-- (Y/N's POV) --

"Y/N!" My brother yells from downstairs. "The guys are here." He tells me, I finish tying my hair up in a messy bun and slip one of my boyfriend's hoodies on which he left here some nights ago.

I check my appearance in the mirror, no make up, messy hair and comfy clothes - perfect for a movie night with my boyfriend, brother and friends.

"Hey baby," Sammy grins as he picks me up off the stairs and spins me around, earning a gag from my brother and awes from the Jacks, Mike and John. "I bought you a little something on the way here." He smiles and reaches into his backpack full of new movies for us to watch and snacks because it was his turn to buy. He hands me a stuffed bear and smiles with blushed cheeks.

Nate pats his shoulder on the way past, the guys follow after my brother and take the Sammy's backpack to set everything up. I pounce on Sammy with open arms and wrap my legs around his waist, kissing his cheek repeatedly. "I love it, thank you baby." I giggle, he carries me into the living room and kicks off his shoes and climbs onto the couch behind me. I sit with my back against his chest, the blanket covering the both of us and my new teddy bear tucked under my arms.


Sammy's hands have been resting on my stomach all night, but now they're starting to move downwards, typical Samuel.

I peer over my shoulder at him and see him watching the movie as normal, biting his lip. I shake my head and look over at the guys who are all engrossed in the movie to care about anything else.

My heart beat quickens as his fingers dip into my panties and rest there for a few seconds before teasing me, stroking my clit with two fingers. I close my eyes and squeeze my thighs together, as if to tell him to stop. I hear a faint chuckle from him but he doesn't stop, he continues to play with me and create a wetness in my panties.

Somebody clears their throat and I swear I almost jumped out of my seat, my face flushed red as I opened my eyes and looked to the guys. Sam snickers quietly from behind me, I slap his hand and pull them out of my panties. He sneakily brings his fingers up to his mouth and smirks at me as I watch him lick them.

"I-I'm uh gonna make some brownies, you guys want some?" I ask, taking a deep breath in to calm myself down. I stand up as they all reply with yes.

I walk out to the kitchen with Sammy following behind me, laughing quietly to himself. He closes the kitchen door behind me and bursts out laughing, slapping his knee as he doubles over. "Oh my God that was the funniest, I've never seen you move so quick." He laughs.

I pout, pushing him over to the sink so we can wash our hands, his especially. "Shut up, I thought somebody caught us out." I whine in embarrassment.

"I never get caught out baby, I play the game safe," he assures me with a kiss as we dry our hands. We make the brownie mix with success and put it in the oven to bake. "You still wet babe? We got time." He snickers, I whack his arm and shake my head.

"No Sammy, not in here you dirt." I laugh.

He sighs. "Fine but tomorrow night you're staying over at my house and you're all mine." He smirks, slapping my ass on his way to the fridge to get a drink.

"I'm yours all the time, but fine, are your parents going to be out?" I ask.

"Yeah they're going on a date or something," he replies, I aw. "What's so cute about that?"

"They still go on dates, they're parents and they still go on dates, that's the cutest." I giggle, he rolls his eyes.

"Do you think we'll be like that?" He asks, wrapping his arms around my waist from behind as I wash the dishes.

"That depends, would you like us to be like that?" I question, drying my hands as I turn around and face him.

"Definitely, I know it's too soon to say but I wanna marry you, have kids with you and grow old with you. I want to experience everything with you." He shyly admits, pecking my cheek quickly, a bright blush on his cheeks.

I coo and pinch his rosy cheeks, giggling. "Aw baby you're too cute for you're own good," I giggle, he rolls his eyes playfully. "And I agree, I can't wait to poke those wrinkles of yours in the future." I laugh.

"Oh please, I'll look mighty fine when I'm 90, you'll wrinkle first." He laughs, poking the tip of my nose.

"I'll use really good ageing cream or find a women who makes the potion off that movie uh...Death Becomes Her and then I'll be young and pretty for eternity." I laugh.

"You'll always be pretty to me, even with wrinkles and sloppy grandma lips." He laughs, I cringe in disgust at the thought.

"When you're done being all lovey dovey, we want our brownies." Gilinsky laughs, we turn around and see all the guys standing in the doorway, smirks on their faces.

"Give them a few more minutes guys, they won't be done yet." I swat Nate's hand away as he reaches for the oven handle to try and take them out.

Nate laughs at me and hugs me tightly, towering over me. "As cute as you two are, you need to turn it down just a touch," he chuckles. "And as excited I am at the thought of being an uncle, I don't want that to happen until at least five - maybe ten- more years."

"Whatever bro," I joke, reaching up on my tippy toes to kiss his cheek. "You'll be a great uncle one day." I grin, he rolls his eyes.

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