J.G - Lil' Gilinsk.

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Can you do a imagine where your jack g little sister and they all are teasen you a bouth it?

-- (Y/N's POV) --

"Y/N wait!" I hear my older brother yell as I approach the crossing at the end of the sidewalk. I turn around with a frown on my face as his friends laugh at me.

"Jack I'm 15 for God's sake! I can cross the road!" I yell at him, stomping my foot.

"Aww isn't lil' Gilinsk so cute." Sammy coos, pinching my cheek as they catch up with me.

"Not funny Sam." I frown, shoving his shoulder.

Finally, we make it to McDonalds and take a table whilst Jack and Johnson gets our orders. "So how's school goin' Y/N?" Nate asks, sitting across from me.

"Yeah what grade are you in now?" Sammy asks, a small smirk on his face.

"9th." I mutter, rolling my eyes as he and Nate begin to laugh.

"Aww our lil' Gilinsk is a cute little freshman." Nate speaks in a baby voice, reaching over to ruffle my hair.

I scowl at him and push his hand away, instantly smiling when I see my brother and Jack return with two trays full of food. "Jack they're picking on me." I pout, Jack hits the back of their heads and sits down beside me.

"Leave her alone guys, you do not want her to kick you, trust me...it's happened and it's not pretty." Jack laughs, the guys settle down.

We eat and as soon as I'm finished, Jack has a napkin to my mouth and wipes the sauce away like a grandma would do to her grandchildren. They guys laugh and take pictures, I frown at Jack. "Jack stop being so, so...old. I'm your 15 year old sister, your 18 not 88." I scold, he backs off with his hands up in surrender.

I grab a napkin and wipe my own mouth. "Aw my baby is growing up!" Johnson coos, I huff and stomp off to the bathrooms.

I'm 15, he's 18, I'm his sister not his child. He makes me so mad.

"Have you calmed your little self down yet?" Sammy laughs, I clench my fists in anger and grab his t-shirt.

"Refer to me as lil' Gilinsk or little or small or anything to do with my age or height and I will kick your butt, I'm only 3 years younger than you but I'm not afraid to beat your butt. Got it?" I snap, looking around at the 4 guys with stern eyes.

"Damn sis," Jack laughs, I sit down beside him and tuck into my Mcflurry. "We're only trying to look after you."

"Yeah and Mom and Dad have done that perfectly fine, your not my dad Jack and you guys needs to stop treating me like a 5 year old." I sigh, he places his arm around my shoulders and kisses the top of my head.

"Sorry sis, we'll rein it in a little."

"No not a little, a lot." I reason, he rolls his eyes but agrees nevertheless.

"Fine." He mutters.

"Can I still call you lil' Gilinsk?" Nate wonders, I pick up my ice cream filled spoon and throw it at him.

"Definitely not, my name is Y/N and only Y/N, call me anything else and I will kick you where the sun don't shine." I threaten, laughing as the ice cream lands on his cheek.

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